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I probably shouldn't say anything, but gosh darn it I'm excited...  I can't say much right now, but... My writing has attracted a little bit of good attention lately and, dare I say it, I'm going to be in talks with an actual literary agent! And that means that I might actually in time have an actual honest to gosh book out! Of course that's all a distant pipe dream at the moment, but it's a nice thought. And if this works out, it'll be a first step.

I have a meeting scheduled this week. Wish me luck!! :D :D

As always, thanks to each and every one of you for your support. I never would have even considered the possibility of realizing this dream if I didn't have so many kind people who believed in my abilities. Whatever the outcome of this meeting -- and it's quite possible it'll come to nothing -- I'm still gonna be posting stories as usual to this Patreon. I've still got to finish the Alice saga while there's still life in these horny old bones XP