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This is a fun little what-if story: Back when Jen and Laurie got into a fight and weren't talking to each other, what if each girl decided to try to sway Alice to her particular side by plying Alice with what she loved more than anything... food!  Laurie is determined to get Alice to take her side against Jen by feeding her fat friend until she's absolutely bursting... and Jen has the same plan! What's Alice to do? She can't resist food but all these extra calories are making her belly balloon and her thighs thicken... and who knows how big she'll get by the time this is over?



Seeing Jen and Laurie as Alice's feeders again is a wonderful sight.


Really great to see a follow up here. Almost makes me feel bad for Alice here, but her greed just makes it perfect. I don't know if you remember this comic from what has to be yonks ago (well over a decade), but if you remember Supercake's/SSakurai's old Chef weight gain cartoon (Original has been deleted but it's been uploaded tons of times). The theme of two already fat chef's trying to fatten up a critic in between to get on her good side and get better reviews feels somewhat similar, but in a very cool way to get a nostalgia flashback to. Regardless, pumped for the final segment, since this is an excellent side-story to the Alice saga.