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dammit I forgot to include one other change I'm going to be making:

From now on, Commission request information must be supplied via e-mail (Discord DMs will be available only for extended discussion and only if necessary, but there HAS to be an e-mail in my inbox for each month you're pledged), and it must be supplied by the 15th of every month, no exceptions.

If I do not receive a commission request by the 15th, your pledge for that month will be counted as a donation and I will not be obligated to draw something on your behalf.

Now, obviously, I'm not going to just drop this on you guys and say it's permanently your responsibility. I will be making an effort to be more diligent about sending out reminders to let everyone know. If I'm a dumbass and completely forget to remind y'all one month, then that one's on me, not on you, and the date will be adjusted for that cycle based on how late I am with sending out the information. I will also be confirming with everyone when their e-mail comes in so that you know if your stuff got lost in the shuffle.


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