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I tried to hold off making this post as much as I could I have so much going on, I can't afford to stay here right now, & I have job interviews all this week about 5 on different days. I've already made the main office aware that my job I was supposed to start in May got pushed back and it's bad timing for me so now I'm looking for new work. I'm overdue on my payments and all my money is going towards commuting to interviews, (I don't drive) I'm on my way to one now but if anyone can donate I would be so grateful. this is only temporary until one of these places hire me. I do apologize for asking I just don't have breathing room for any of this and they want me out if I can't pay & are sending notices instead of working with me. I have never been late on any payments within all the months I've been here & left the shelter and it feels so unfair to me they aren't being reasonable at all

I'm mobile right now  here are my links 

https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8Uj3YwKaE5  paypal donations

https://paypal.me/PayMercedesBrock?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US direct pay link

cashapp : Yokozii


thank you everyone , if you can't donation it's okay but please share if you can



I had to move out suddenly. I'll post the June update soon as I can