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fully packed June releases: 

HyperBellyâ„¢ Slider- June 3 [ early access ] July 3

Lip Presets - finally a new batch of these will be released I know everyone has been waiting for these for a long while!! I worked on them between the belly slider, the previews are old (plus I don't want anyone to bite off my cc before I can even release it, has happened far too many times) but on the download posts they have improved + look WAY better! I worked really hard on these I hope everyone likes them.

 and I really like my new thumbnail :))

a combined set will be for patreon members only towards the end of June, but they will release separately on different posts for download

they will go public randomly through July. they'll go public free for everyone on my website also

Forager's Ground Build: it 'might' be released before June is over towards end of the month. I have to link everything and test out the routing and walking trail fully before I feel comfortable releasing it but another preview is coming + adding links to the guide posts and the map post. I also will be posting one last guide post

Other news: 

-I cancelled releasing the posters, I haven't started them, scrapped that idea for now

-I have created a BOOTSY account. I'm considering hosting CC there as an option to patreon in the future. I can post N$FW sims gameplay and stream live there WITHOUT it being any account limits. which is what I would like to do far as my game without needing a Twitch or Kick account. it's free to follow plus if you create a free account with my referral link it helps me out. here is my account for now. don't mind any of the high subscription levels tiers there it's all just to see how things work

https://boosty.to/yokozii/ref https://boosty.to/yokozii/ref < < < join ! 

- lastly, I'm not sure if I will be around in June, I have to find somewhere else to stay, no one is willing to work with me here and it is alot for me to post + make content while trying to deal with life, so I won't be working on anything new for a while. everything will be scheduled

* WIPs and Builds T3 and up only, monthly schedules and other content are for all patrons. thank you everyone for being here*


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