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πŸƒ -----adding areas / planting / landscaping -----πŸƒ

some back story , so I DID add some magical / enchanted forest elements lol not too much though. very fairy and dark fae friendly even medieval friendly. I mostly added these things because I forgot I do play with mermaids, fairies, mooncasters, and witches mods. So those needed to be incorporated..and THIS TOOK ALL OF LAST WEEK TO DO. I WORKED SO HARD ON THIS SO FAR

I also added temporary poison, potion and bug bite stations while I had sims plant since they kept getting bothered by insects so I'm thinking about adding a medicine kiosk to this build or ...you will have to bring your own insect repellents, spider spray, etc. ..YOU WILL NEED IT

from spider venom bites...in case you get poisoned..

crazy how bats attacked a bat and the first thing she goes is 'CRAB' simlish for CRAP or biting bubble lol i feel like vampires should be annoyed by bats differently

*sun potions , vampire's blood, and bottled spirits are from the grim reaper career + seririon vampire mod (I'll list them in the cc list for gameplay mods included in the build)

I noticed sims get annoyed and tired easily being out all day and night in such a big place, so there are now campfire sites, I caved, I'll at least let you eat and rest on the grounds.

there are vines that block certain areas now, and you'll need tools for that ..or get your hands dirty & claw your way through

the girls had fun making jokes on break through this one , sims come up to the fences and just stare at random so you will know where they are

far as adding natural wildlife , I really like how the bees and birds are tending the plants which is nice . it will help with the season changes and quality of flowers and everything too...you will have to befriend them for them to do it..apparently they don't tend gardens if you place them , you gotta build relationships with them to do anything. I'll try to do that before I release the build so they'll be ready to go..(hopefully that works) i think wild birds and rabbits should just DO IT ..but yeah.

I'm not sure why this child was on fire...maybe he's a vampire?

I got rid of the rock climbing area..and extended Wisteria's Pass...then added Fairy Camp a fairy merchant moved in & you can join in selling goods if you want, there's a small area the fairy setup just for you they're not always home so now you have a campsite to relax! (some lore & themed shots below) I also need a space for sims to lay down and moonbathe or sunbathe just because..or maybe plan their own picnics here who knows. added more plants as I added harvestables to start filling in spaces..and a 2nd wisteria tree to complete the area. I'm glad I got rid of the rock climbing and added this instead. the area is basically finished, small changes might be made when downloading

oh and specters moved in too...not sorry. they are spawners so they help keep a sim's mood lively and fun for a short time until they disappear so you'll need to add them back if you want them permanently

alien plants will be joining the club too! I'm not sure how much but they'll be in attendance

Magical Picnic - also added a little magic practicing area near Wisteria Pass for my sims who need a small vacation from home in this spot to relax read some stuff, call up spirits, sacrifice some stuff, meditate, chill stuff. I'm not sure if I will include it in the final version but if anyone wants it let me know and I'll list the CC for it ..I even went in debug and put your phone on this stand in case you wanna record some tarot readings for a customer?

I'll put instructions for what you should do to setup areas that have time limited things before they disappear and for things random sims will steal on the download post.. like the specter's sip on the altar drink EVERYONE tries to drink it and it will need to be replaced smh.

The seance circles disappear after a short time also you'll need to add those too.

they also steal all the crystals that are on presentation but not any on the ground apparently?! so expect to replace the crystal displays ontop of the rabbit home

there's 2 spots for this camp, one less colorful on the other side of the grounds..it's called The Hallow. it's under construction and nowhere near done , but it looks best at night, and I do use the graveyard mod so you can play with the tombstones here. details later

Sprig Meadow is getting better.. got rid of some trees, some spiders moved in. fixed some of the hills and planted flowers as much as I could before sims started complaining and passing out ...I didn't take pictures as I was about to pass out

I improved Bog Creek as well..added new plants made the creek bigger so the tree can dip down in it, moved the bridge..and added  fishing spots too, you should be able to wade and play in the creek now also search for frogs, I'm still working on getting the bank to work along the whole thing without issues from either side since i noticed sims can't cross the bridge which separates The Hallow & Wisteria Pass from the rest of the grounds. I'll figure something out

I also added insect spawners for all forest bugs so you can hunt for your ingredients and collections

I didn't want all clichΓ© plant types in expected areas so for every 1 plant there is another 1 somewhere else..I wanted things to be search and find..that's kind of the point yaknow?

Sprig Log - outside of sprig meadow before you reach the underpath , i love how all the wild rice and other plants grew in leading up to the entrance..it's all so full and random. there is a pee bush you can use in there also some other surprises I won't spoil

Wood Hills (simple and sweet )

there's a giant waterfall in the hills...and idk how to get rid of it. check back later.

update: found waterfall , deleted it, sims couldn't get up the hills so I added stairs..I'll fill in all of this later but here is the basic setup for them now , before i start planting. yes your sims will have to FORAGE and SEARCH and EXPLORE for everything. get ready..honestly the style of hills might change because I'm still new to terrain tools and I want it to be seamless as possible. and they didn't give us the ability to climb things since it's a flatland based game and ladders can only be added to ROOMS smh

size perspective .., routing is still hard for sims to figure out as they can go up but only if i direct them to certain spots not as me telling them to harvest and they go so..

I added rabbits , chickens , bees , birds and such for a lively ecosystem. they'll help keep the plants tidy and healthy. it's about 20+ rabbits overall and 4 beehives..and 4 bird nests .I placed them in main areas so they can reach everywhere.idk if rabbits eat whole plants or just the weeds ...I'm a little worried lol foxes do hunt the grounds also, so I'm gonna add wild chickens them too. that way you can forage eggs at least. I like how they come out at night and it's so cute to see them scurry all over the place..they literally pop up everywhere so Im glad I don't have to worry about them getting stuck

I really like how this leveling & layering  is going I just wish when planting things are more to the ground...I might have to use TOOL to adjust them all once everything is planted. The fact it's fall really messes things up for how I'd see them in summer-spring. I will change the season for previews for sure but that's all I have for this update on this build I might take a week off from working on it since I've done alot already and it's taken alot of my time..it has me and my sims exhausted , and it's the biggest build I've ever done. I do wanna work on the sliders + presets + other content that needs tweaking before the month is over. thank you!


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