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🌲 -------------- planting adding areas to floorplan ----------- 🌲

I've started to decorate and add more greens and define the separate areas. I got a few sims to help me plant them as I can't get debug to work so I can just add debug plants that will pop-up so I had to do it all by hand..some areas are bound to change as I play test it to make sure sims can walk in all planted areas as well as adding on to it / removing.I've added brazenlotus foragable plants and rocks so everything is accessible. I have other areas I need to finish that I will post later. 

Birch Bridge : it's just a giant birch wood bridge that leads from Bog Creek to Wisteria pass...I might try to add footprints to make it walkable if I can figure it out before I upload it, otherwise its not functional. but the area is surrounded by tall thin birch trees and redwood trees that make a shady canopy for the hillsides (they will be walkable) 

Bog Creek: a fallen tree that made a hole in the ground surrounding it and the waterfall seeped into it and now it is a running creek that has aquatic, and other plants and veggies surrounding it . there is a pond towards the end at the Fork. the tree actually bobs in the water I love it so much lol.. I'm open if anyone wants to fish here ? let me know

I have a mod that allows townies to garden and plant at random but a gardener does come and tend all the plants until he gets tired or is off work. I think he only stays a few hours then leaves

🌲 -------------- planting adding areas to floorplan ----------- 🌲

Wisteria Pass : I didn't want it to be too much like an enchanted forest for this build, but this area gives that a little bit because I did add things for spellcasters, mermaids , werewolves and vampires in this forest. It has a werewolf containment tank in case some wolves are roaming around enraged and you need a break for it all to enjoy the falling cherry blossoms & fairy lights. small animals, birds, & butterflies gather in this area

Swamp Nest: A very lush jungle-like part of the forest ...you can deep dive here..it's kinda like a underwater deep cave entrance-like. wink wink so I allowed diving for imagination, you can swim and fish here. there are many wild plants you can choose from & small animals and insects will be around too. It's right next to the giant sequioa and downhill from the Underpass 

it's my favorite area at night far as how it looks so far and the angles in the day time makes it one of my favorite spots in the whole build. the season is in fall when I'm creating this. I put calming plants around so the bees won't murder sims while visiting this area..bring a radio just in case

Sprig Meadow: a very open flowery pretty place surrounded by very eerie trees...spring time but everything is still glazed in ice..so Sprig time. I wanted a place for winter to shine, since this is a year round forest..when the ice freezes over, why not come forage through dying colorful flowers?? it's plenty of winter flowers that will be here, it gets foggy here too, you can always take refuge in the Sprig Log (unfinished) if the elements are too much for you..oh and this is one of the main entrances of the forest, there will be select ways sims can ONLY enter. for immersion purposes. you'll see

they haven't finished planting in this area but there will be many plants to plant before it's up for download plus other areas to finish filling it as well as these. 

don't worry, the girls are cultivating only the finest harvestables in the mean time. (until I can get debug to work for all the modded plants)  I'll be back with more progress on this 


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