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Hi everyone! ^w^

This is a short one! We basically started plowing away at the improvement checklist we made! Tweaking timings and jump-heights around ziplines/rails, connecting the ziplines and rail-grinding system, sketching out a new look for the water that fits better with the new environment art, adding particle systems to the environment and placing decorative art in otherwise finished rooms to make the game look nicer and more lush.

A little while ago GameMaker also released a new version that includes an actual Particle Editor, so Null is checking if the project runs fine with it. At the moment, making particle effects is kind of tedious. We have to design them in a separate tool and import the code to Kincaid and then tweak numbers until it looks right in-game. It is tedious and takes some time, so we haven't really utilized particle effects all that much yet. We hope this changes with this update!

Don’t forget to check out Build 2023.03

If you haven’t had a chance yet, check out the newest build! ^w~

Grab it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/79828710

Until next week!
Cookie & Bunny

Overall Status Report

Upcoming Build Tasks

  • Visual & audio polish, quality of life improvements, bugfixing, game feel tweaks.

Long-term Projects

  • Haven: Refining core tilese




quick question, do you know where the saves for the game are located?