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Hi Space Adventurer!

Beary Good News Everyone!

You can now download and play the newest release of Kincaid! ^w^

You can grab the build HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/67786432

Also, I made the last experimental build, Glitchcaid 2, available for all $5 patrons. Please check it out and let me know what you think! Glitchcaid 2 is an overhaul based on our learnings from developing Kincaid. I’ll post more about it down below. But first, let’s look at what’s new in 2022.06!

Bear Enemy Added!

Find him in the spooky forest behind the rift in the tree top palace!

Please note that some of the graphics are still placeholders or unfinished. I wasn’t able to complete all the animation work before my LARP event, but I will get back to work next Monday and the completed sprites will make it into the Quality of Life update we’ll work on next! ^w^

Same goes for all the sound effects! The voice actor has sent us a batch of recordings, but we didn’t get around to processing them and adding them to the game. ^^

How to lewd frenemies!

In this build we’re introducing a new way to have fun with the enemies! We’ve shown this a while back in the “Domcaid” Experimental Build ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/61582560 ) a few months ago.

To trigger a scene, just walk up to the defeated enemy. If there are no other enemies closeby, the game will offer you the option to have some fun!

Do note that the threesome isn’t possible to trigger in this version. We’ll add that back into the game in the Quality of Life update.

Similarly the CGs used to be for game overs. Going forward we’re going to find a new way to integrate them. For now you’re able to enjoy them from the gallery!

I hope you like the changes! Please let us know what you think! ^w^

But wait, there is more!

But this isn’t all we’ve been working on! As we’ve mentioned in our roadmap post ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/66500973 ), Null is currently hard at work on an overhaul featuring a bigger moveset, a higher resolution and some other things.

I’ll just copy and post the release post from earlier. ^w~

Glitchcaid 2

Important Note: Control Scheme is at the bottom of the post!

As the previous Glitchcaid, this build is meant to gather feedback on new abilities and movement options we have been working on.

Since none of the actual in-game content is built around these abilities we made a few raw levels and packaged them into their own little mini adventure for you to enjoy! ^w~

On Difficulty

The levels in this build aren’t big but they are challenging. We made them a bit harder on purpose so you’re forced to really play with them and not just mess around a little bit.

Rest assured: The difficulty in this build is not reflective of what the desired difficulty in the actual Kincaid game is going to be.

New Abilities & Movement Options

Here’s the list of new abilities that you’ll find in this build:

Ledge Grab - We felt like the basic platformer was missing something. Barely missing a platform and falling down felt bad. We went back and forth on introducing walljumping that works everywhere and other options to help with that. In the end we decided to go with ledge grabbing/climbing. We thought it fits the type of levels we want to build a bit better.

Crawling - Only ducking felt a bit too slow and limiting so we decided to introduce crawling. It won’t be super slow tho, as not to interrupt the smooth flow of running & jumping. Together with the ledge grab it allows for far more interesting level design.

Hand-over-Hand Climbing

These mechanics only exist in code now, I haven’t done animations for any of them yet, so the footage looks a bit silly. xD

Reintroduced & reworked Hookshot - First introduced in our “Glitchcaid” demo but deemed unusable because of how little of the surrounding area the player can see. But since we’ve increased the resolution of the game it has become a viable option again!

Gliding - Kincaid’s boots can emit a powerful impulse that allows her to double jump. Now she can emit the energy continuously to allow her to glide down gently!

Rail Grinding - Kincaid can now use the forcefield of her boots to grind along rails at high speed! Cookie made the sprites for this over a year ago but like the hookshot, this mechanic also wasn’t feasible in the old resolution.

Reintroduced Downsmash - Another ability that was first introduced in the Glitchcaid demo. It used to be a charged melee attack. We made it easier to launch and brought it back into the overhaul version.

Reworked Dash & Dodge Roll - The dodge roll felt too sluggish compared to the dash. We brought both abilities closer together and made the roll feel more dynamic.

More Platforming Forgiveness - We added more small forgiveness tweaks like allowing Kincaid to jump up a platform if only a few pixels are missing for her to reach it! Nothing huge or groundbreaking, but makes the platforming experience even smoother overall.

Higher Resolution - We also changed the game’s resolution to better support faster movement speeds and more involved platforming.

Send us your Feedback!

How are you liking the new abilities? Please send us your thoughts and notes!

Important Note

This build is based on the overhaul version I have mentioned in my previous roundup ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/66500973 ) so a few things are broken or not yet finished.

For example, we’ve switched to a new input manager to better support all kinds of controllers. The conversion is not yet complete, so rebinding keys doesn’t work as of yet.

Both builds can be downloaded from this post HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/67786432

Thanks for playing!
Cookie & Null



Awesome movement updates! Thank you for being so consistent and sticking with the game over the years. I love that I can directly contribute you artists like you all.

cookiedraggy (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 13:41:49 Thank youuuuu <3
2022-06-18 07:03:51 Thank youuuuu <3

Thank youuuuu <3

Uncreative Anonymous Name

Hi there, long time fan, brand new patron! I haven't played a recent build in quite a while, but just sunk a few hours into this one, and I've got some questions! I took a peek at the latest roadmap, but sorry in advance if some of these are known bugs/concerns! I should also mention these were observed while playing a save migrated from the latest public build on itch, so that may also be responsible ^^; Probably most critically, I seem to be softlocked in the east part of the map, leading up to the kobold boss. I'll just run another save for now, but a fast travel or shortcut out would be nice. Speaking of the map, I found myself a bit confused when checking it. Is there a key somewhere for the different colors? I mostly just can't tell what red is! My last concerns regard the intimacy scenes. It seems like with the Domcaid mechanics implemented, the involuntary sex has been completely removed. I'm just wondering if that's permanent. I completely understand if it is, removing any non-con makes the game way more approachable and I'm all for that, but it would be nice to have a toggle or something in the settings to add it back in ^^; I enjoy the voluntary interaction with defeated foes, but I don't always want to sit through the whole thing. Some sort of skip or scene control, like what is featured in the gallery, would be really nice. Same goes for other scenes, like ones in the Pink Tribe village. Sorry if this is a poor place to dump all of this, but I absolutely love what y'all have put together. Hope some of this is helpful, and isn't too bothersome if not!

cookiedraggy (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 13:41:49 Hiya! Thanks for the notes and the support! I'll try to address each of them, I hope I don't miss anything. ^^ Regarding save games, they do tend to break. The reason is a GameMaker oddity that we'll have to work around. Glitchcaid is going to be a bit of an overhaul in some regards and will feature a new save system that is going to be more robust. So hopefully things like that will be avoided in the future and save games will be more backwards compatible. Regarding the "domcaid" stuff, it is a bit of an unfortunate name. Our intention is to change how engaging lewds with frenemies works, but we'll see how people react to it for now. For us it works way better because combat is nicer and not every enemy needs the ability to physically reach Kinny. It also fits more with her as a character, at least how we imagine her. We're hoping it makes the game more inviting to people while keeping the overall quality of the animations. Going forward, the scenes will be skippable tho, and I want to introduce gallery functions. ^^ Thanks for taking the time to write to us and I hope you have fun with what's coming next! ^w^ Cheers, Cookie&amp;Null
2022-06-24 12:58:19 Hiya! Thanks for the notes and the support! I'll try to address each of them, I hope I don't miss anything. ^^ Regarding save games, they do tend to break. The reason is a GameMaker oddity that we'll have to work around. Glitchcaid is going to be a bit of an overhaul in some regards and will feature a new save system that is going to be more robust. So hopefully things like that will be avoided in the future and save games will be more backwards compatible. Regarding the "domcaid" stuff, it is a bit of an unfortunate name. Our intention is to change how engaging lewds with frenemies works, but we'll see how people react to it for now. For us it works way better because combat is nicer and not every enemy needs the ability to physically reach Kinny. It also fits more with her as a character, at least how we imagine her. We're hoping it makes the game more inviting to people while keeping the overall quality of the animations. Going forward, the scenes will be skippable tho, and I want to introduce gallery functions. ^^ Thanks for taking the time to write to us and I hope you have fun with what's coming next! ^w^ Cheers, Cookie&Null

Hiya! Thanks for the notes and the support! I'll try to address each of them, I hope I don't miss anything. ^^ Regarding save games, they do tend to break. The reason is a GameMaker oddity that we'll have to work around. Glitchcaid is going to be a bit of an overhaul in some regards and will feature a new save system that is going to be more robust. So hopefully things like that will be avoided in the future and save games will be more backwards compatible. Regarding the "domcaid" stuff, it is a bit of an unfortunate name. Our intention is to change how engaging lewds with frenemies works, but we'll see how people react to it for now. For us it works way better because combat is nicer and not every enemy needs the ability to physically reach Kinny. It also fits more with her as a character, at least how we imagine her. We're hoping it makes the game more inviting to people while keeping the overall quality of the animations. Going forward, the scenes will be skippable tho, and I want to introduce gallery functions. ^^ Thanks for taking the time to write to us and I hope you have fun with what's coming next! ^w^ Cheers, Cookie&Null

Uncreative Anonymous Name

After going back and forth between the latest build and an old one, I'd have to agree that the combat does feel much better ^^; Good luck and keep up the amazing work!