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Hi everybody! It's time for the weekly roundup again!

This week I made a lot of progress on the threesome animation and it is about to come together. All the little sub-animations and transitions have been sketched out and I'm working on coloring and shading everything and adding little secondary animations, like moving hair and other subtle things.

With the next animation I am still a bit unhappy with the left kobold's arm. I wanted to make it look like he is holding his hand behind his head but because of the perspective his arm looks like a stump. -_- I will change it to either have him hold her head or move the arm just to the back. :3

Hope you enjoy how it is all coming together! ^w^




From what i can see his left hand is already holding her head so another hand only makes it better. :P Would have been nice to keep his hand behind his head cuz looks sexy but if you aren't happy with it it's a bad choice. But don't be that worried about the stump. That poor fellow to the far left doesn't even have arms to begin with. =3


Sweet! I assume when this animation is done, the next update will drop?


Awesome work soo far on this anim.


I am really looking forward to doing very nice work. Can't the buttocks move like single fuck? <3