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Hi everyone! ^w^

Sorry for the late update! The start of the week has been pretty hectic and left me pretty bushed.

Last week I started working on the threesome animation which was a welcome change of pace to the kobold village! ^w^

So here is what I have so far!

"Oh mai~ What's going on over there!?"

When another kobold observes an on-going sex act his interest is piqued! He will come over to observe the fun (and hopefully get invited!)

Scoot, scoot~

Inviting the other kobold over is completely optional! As long as Kinny and the kobold aren't close to climaxing yet, the third partner can join.

Animation Process

For the main animation I just made a little loop of the kobold humping. I focused on getting the fluidity and energy right.

In the second step I added Kincaid's lower body and figured out how the energy of his thrusts would translate over to her body. Again I focused on the most important parts of her body while also adding a few more body parts to the kobold. 


Once I was happy with how the thrust translates over to her, I added the third partner. I wanted to make it so the thrust of the first kobold would push her over and the second kobold would meet Kincaid's movement and thrust into her just as she was leaning into him.

These initial steps take a lot of experimentation, trial and error, but I think it's worth the time investment. If I take my time refining until I have the dynamics I want at this early stage it always results in a very nice final animation for me and the process of coloring and rendering is downhill from there. ^w^

I really liked the dynamic I had going on now, so I started putting in colors and refining the outline of the body to lay the groundwork for her ass jiggling as the force of the thrust rolls over her body.


We also got a whiteboard for our little home studio to help us brainstorm and map stuff out! Traditionally, the first thing that was drawn on it was a big dick, of course. ^w~




Glad your still working on the game, keep safe out there.


It's the only way to Christen a whiteboard, anything else is blasphemous ^W^.

Avery H. Mavery

I love this! It looks great and i'm glad it's being implemented.


Ah yes, what fine form Koboldius Rex has. If only all kobolds were like him ;)