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A lot of this week has been focused on refining and finishing graphics that I had already sketched out and getting them into a format for Null to add them into the game. ^w^

Null has been working on a bunch of code things:

  • Wrapped up restructuring the code base to allow easier authoring of content in the future.
  • Implemented a new input manager.
  • Added an options menu.
  • Rolling
  • Sliding
  • Jump-thru platforms (no more bumping your head when you try to go up a screen. x3)
  • Slopes
  • Moving platforms
  • A bunch of rooms to play around with these new abilities and mechanics.

As always, here are some impressions of what's been going on. ;3




Yo these animations are SICK


these are really nice, you're lucky you know a coder tho lol wish i knew one too


There is a furry Discord server for game developers. Maybe someone there would like to team up with you. If you are interested in getting an invite, send me a message! ^^


Animations are smooth as ever!


Will their be more scenes and enemies? :D


super awesome!


Looks great, when's the next update coming out?