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The ladies discuss Olympics drama, women getting drafted, HBO's Woodstock 99 doc, protecting sex workers and the "post dirtbag left."



Fred Durst approves this podcast.


I like to think Simone Biles was inspired by Kenny Powers when he finally made it back to the big leagues with the Yankees but walked off the mound almost immediately in a display of beautiful and unpredictable spirit


Cracking the Coke means nothing if you didn't leave it overnight in a paint can shaker and then open it directly next to the mic like Anna did last episode


As a three sport athlete (YES, yoga is a sport), the mental game is honestly the main thing between success and failure. Also, idk who even watches the Olympics, but glad to hear your opinions on the happenings in Tokyo and your take. As usual, I mostly (85%) agree.


She's 24 but I don't think they were punching down that hard


If women ever have to sign up for Selective Service they still won't be drafted in the same capacity as men. Not for the same roles, not in the same number, and just think of how easy it would be for a women to dodge it by having fibromyalgia or something.


lmao, I'm a millennial with zoomer friends, and I concur; worried about the future left in the hands of fragile and apathetic screen-zombified kiddies.


What I would give to have Tim Dillon come on the pod


can y'all talk about the covid passports and the mass uprisings happening in Europe rn?


Wasn't a draft for women in the USSR?


Wait, is Anna’s son named Lenny? Sooo adorable if so! 😊 ♥️


I had a heart attack when Dasha said "Ripping someone's head off" and I am now the fourth victim of Woodstock '911. It sounded like one of those yellow groan tube toys


The discussion around Simone biles and Zoomer mental health reminds me of Psychiatry historian Edward Shorter's concept of Ilness Negotiation. Symptoms don't arise out of thin air but rather the cultural milieu and as long as the excuse of "mental health" earns legitimacy, the more unconscious and subconscious distress takes on the modern-day forms of anxiety and depression as patients look at the "symptom pool" for symptoms to grab. Coddling gives such illness more legitimacy and historically that is what leads to epidemics in mental health, historically in the form of hysteria and now through ambiguous terms related to anxiety and depression.


Dashas Fred durst impression lmfaooooo


fyi Pantera in Santiago, Chile in '98 is a must-watch


Also painful that the three other girls on the team are having to go through these interviews following along with this narrative of “how they did it for Simone” “Simone is courageous” etc. which I have hard time believing is how they really feel


if yall haven't seen it you should watch Vai viegli būt jaunam?(Is It Easy to be Young) the 1986 latvian documentary abt youth subcultures pre soviet collapse... incredibly good


Anna should watch “icarus”


Why even go to war for your corrupt greedy leaders if your women won't be safe from violence? That was kind of the whole point to begin with. Unless you just loved the idea of traveling overseas to kill brown people


It’s kind of strange that we celebrate mediocrity more and more, in fields where it’s about overcoming and giving it your all. I don’t think it’s callous to say that either. Red Scare’s commentary is very refreshing in a time when digital sheep are flourishing.


idk if i want aimee terese on the pod necessarily i just know it would be electric


Totally. And this was a great episode in general, too ❤️


Watch the movie “Icarus” it explains all about the Russia roping scandal


“Rippin someone’s head off!!!” Never have I ever been more turned on and amused by Dasha than I was at that moment hahah. Perfection


The adderall hypothesis checks out, simone biles admitted to having an exemption for ‘adhd’ and those drugs are highly illegal in Japan, amphetamine withdrawal is a bitch…


Woke Sex workers are the worst capitalist offenders. They want complete deregulation of an industry under the guise of empowerment and are aghast at the thought of paying taxes or getting a license. It’s also bad economics. By deregulating sex work you allow human traffickers to force their labor to perform sex acts at subprime rates to eliminate competition from other people that aren’t trafficked eliminating them from the marketplace. Any discussion of a bill premiering sex work that doesn’t guarantee a right to exit the profession is craven.


There’s definitely going to be a Simone biles biopic now


You should get Logo Daedalus on the pod


Also Anna you sound like malcom kyeyune on the jobs program point, love it


Yes exactly. It made her argument sound weak and more based on emotion and defending her ancestry rather than looking at facts. That the Russian roping scandal was very real and plotted out.


Listening to the pod while feeding my 4 month old son. Having blasts of glorious nostalgia thinking back to Reading (in the UK, it’s a place, pronounced Redding) festival 1999. I was 17. It was wild. Remember doing my first ecstasy watching Blur. RHCP headlined the Sunday night and they rocked then. Good times.


“A pimp is a pimp is a pimp.” Dasha the Gore Vidal of our time.


https://instagram.com/chinglish.poetry love you long time


I’m tapping out of this Patreon but I want to compliment Anna. I think she is a wonderful woman with tremendous insights. Would love to experience her offerings in a different format. This one doesn’t work for me. Best.


"russia is symbolically forced to renounce its nationhood, and america symbolically chooses to renounce its nationhood" literally


Which one farted? Anna or Dasha?


I started listening to Chapo when they were talking about dropping acid at some GOP conference or something. Proper interesting gonzo shit. Now they’re boring. Felix is exhausting. Matt talks so much shit and is likely going insane. Will is fine. It lacks Amber. Cum Town is the one thing that has me creasing with laughter these days. I’d subscribe to that too if they didn’t allow their premium episodes to go on youtube. Besides, they’ve got enough money and don’t know what to spend it on


Great great ep. Y'all keep being funny as hell and right about everything. As usual.


russia cheated super bad. watch the icarus doc.


The “Russia but not Russia” thing is very stupid but Anna is really telling on herself for knowing absolutely nothing about the Russian doping thing


I’m in a shitty mood, but hearing trad being praised and batting an eye to trauma mongering made me feel 1% better. All that was missing was some BMI discourse

Ben Seales

Is that the first time the ladies have mentioned South Park? (32:40 ish) I always thought they were very similar in a few ways and wondered what they made of Stone and Parker.


the little noises Anna's baby makes are so so cute


best bill for sex workers rights is a robust welfare state in my opinion


Imagine you go to see Pantera and there are Anna and Dasha recording for the pod.


So I am not the only one that finds Felix exhausting. He’s the king of interruption and overwrought similes


great opportunity use the ever iconic term “Prost-a-tot”


I think Simone was experiencing some cognitive dissonance around performing for (and bringing glory to) USA Gymnastics. Because they facilitated her sexual abuse by Larry Nassar.


All the mental heath advocacy stuff is the conscious mind making up an explanation for what is happening. The unconscious mind is saying, Fuck those guys.


Simone Nonbilesnary




In regards to the cultural zeitgeist of the late 90s, watch the doc Merchants of Cool: https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-merchants-cool/


I respect her Adderall. Sadly it seems that without it simone gets too dizzy to hang with the best :(


The Simon Biles take was hella weird. She has multiple Olympic golds and world championships but because she can’t do it one time she’s not great anymore ?? Also let me not get to the molesting comment because that was all the way wild even for the both of you


I love the baby coos so much. Never take him off third mic 🥺

admiral stiffplank

Women, being drafted? Jesus, no. You couldn’t fucking pay me to put a weapon into Anna or Dasha’s hands.


i would love an anti-birth control ep with like.. Lara Briden or something


I don’t get how that is at all inspiring. Work really hard for something then give it up? Why? Because you still feel worthless even after your achievement? I personally don’t find narcissism inspiring.


guys you need to shut up about Icarus no one cares


Dasha I wanna hear more about the publicitypill on the pod. Can you talk about it in riddles and metaphors


If y'all care about the Russian doping, watch the Icarus Docu


Sorry homies, but the only Olympics doc worth watching was made in the 1930s by Leni Riefenstahl rip


Wesley Morris and Moby look like reject Sims 4 characters.


fascinating notes by anna on weakness as the new strength...i felt grossed out when "radical vulnerability as a weapon" took the art hoe internet by storm and i suppose this is the logical conclusion


Really good point about negative nostalgia, including how it deprives the young of the learning experience of seeing for oneself, for example, that Dr Seuss looks a little racist today, by blazoning that very minor observation everywhere as some huge spoiler that misses the point, just as Glory Days nostalgia does, but with less positive value.