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The ladies discuss Kim and Kanye's divorce and the riot on Capitol Hill.



Hiii babes


FINALLY!!! thank you ladies and happy new year to you both <3


Please say sike


I ran to bathroom to download this to keep from offing myself at my shitty Amazon pandemic job


I never received my merch and I keep emailing and dming (sorry). It was shipped back to you guys. What’s the best email to get help with my depressing merch problems? Sorry I know there’s a lot of stuff happening 😔


Audio sounds great gals


i think this is the first time you said dan's name on pod


Amadeus is a classic reification of Cain and Abel and the source of human envy worth all of the social sciences


Dumb takes on the coup but glad to have you back ladies


You ladies really deserve credit for how consistently clever the episode titles are


You could also interpret marianne’s remarks as referring to the need to address macro issues around discord between political factions/ culture wars in which a political actor like trump is elevated to saviour status by powerless people despite not really acting in their interests. Idk that might to too charitable but look at that beautiful hair


Dear god stop baby monitoring like a freak


Jon ossoff looks like joseph gordon levitt to me lol


entirely off the mark on the coup this time


Kim needs to date a legit country dude or like a carpenter. Someone who is totally unaffected by her life but can go along.


Koko had better opinions than Pauline Kael, do Koko: A Talking Gorilla with the Fran Liebowitz doc. Koko was wildly post-gay and should have been #MeTooed. If Anna watched Husbands just because of Pauline Kael I shake my head. Check out the anecdote about Cassavetes stealing her shoes


hey besties

Doug Dee

The Pauline Kael doc and the what doc?


It Chazppened One Night. The Grapes of Chaz. Mr. Smith Goes to Chazington. How Green Was My Chazvy?

Patrick Cabell

Kind of annoyed to see on Geo Ciccariello-Maher's post all the ghouls and worst brains of the ultra-left celebrating their 'dialectical feat' that the riot is formally a good thing, but the right-wing content is the problem. But is it so hard to imagine that the form and content aren't just cleanly separated? What about the affinity with police? What about the adventurism and disdain for working-class organization? I mean I've been speaking about the need for pitchforks and torches too, but in some ways shouldn't this clarify, or allow us to rethink, whether the real missing ingredient is the Mass Strike, that which is incommensurate with and can't be counterfeited by the faux-populism of the right?

W Milly

it's not that we don't have child prodigy composers any more, it's that no one cares

Patrick Cabell

That and like you said here how immediately spectacular the whole thing is, a stupid circle-jerk of hot takes.


the haunted wind sounds in the audio of this ep serve and enhance the pod's mission


Absolutely spot on with your analysis of the protest. Matt Heimbach’s fat ass is a known fed and agent provocateur and he was front and center. It completely makes up for your depressing last episode in which you not only paid lip service to the holy power of the blessed NWORD but also promoted an untested and wildly unnecessary vaccine while normalizing retarded and pointless mask wearing, though when Anna dipped her toe into race and IQ territory it was pretty hot.

W Milly

Kanye is bi, he had an affair with Ricardo Tisci, well known fact in Milan/fashion world.


Here is the best thing about the “storm” out there. https://samkriss.com/2021/01/07/the-old-golden-savages-killed-their-philosophers/?fbclid=IwAR0cyonHQzdp18sy7Wo7IxgdsqtEV7Vp2OnJVMgEGnzdMft4Zo8YICxZduI


There were folks in the MAGA crowd hoping for beer hall putsch 2.0, but it was a really bad attempt. I dunno tho, how dumb does an attempt have to be before it's not considered a serious attempt?


more goofy than coupy


The random clicking sounds had to be one of those Red Scare lighters that doesn’t work


jeffree star is not having an affair with kanye https://youtu.be/umkuHGNTKs8


anna's growing (even more) delusional


Could you ladies please put out more merch including a sweatshirt?


" truffle-swining for hypocrisy is the lowest form of discourse. " anna


Anna's analysis of Marianne W. at 23. is ............ tough but .......... A++


I don't totally understand the mocking of folks' sensitivity to trump. He is a fucking problem. To deny that seems kinda psycho, and willfully insensitive to the "nation's" perverse legacy of white supremacy. Like, comparing BLM protest to whatever white supremacy clown show happened two days ago. I'm ultimately cool with disagreeing about it (cuz I worship and always learn from RS) but it is ....... confusing to my emotions. I wish you guys mocked racists more. That would be helpful for my equilibrium.


-I think he just wanted to be Kim's stylist -And he did a good job lol


trump threw his supporters under the bus. he’s repeatedly demonstrated that he’s undisciplined in achieving what he’s promised. yes, there was so much against him. but he had so much power and it went to nothing by running his movement to the ground. he humiliated his supporters and gave them nothing. many of them are going to get more ostracized and radicalized as a result. at least big cop kamala bailed out their own rioters and protesters and held up as heros lol. at the end of the day, he’s amoral. he’s only for himself. he fulfilled his purpose of exposing the deep state... but he’s lionized it even more recently from how he’s acted. neocons and neolibs’ have recovered their reputations and are out for the spoils and are even more powerful. :( *black pill* :(


Dasha ya dumb cunt..."irregardless" is not a word. Try "irrespective" instead if you want that " irr " tongue feel...mentally retarded minge. What is it with you feeble-minded chicks?


To be fair I do think liberals are up to something when they say Trump has been Putin's tool, as Pelosi put it. It is the interest of the rivals of America (Russia, PRC or Iran) to ruin the image of Liberal Democracy in the globe stage, and if we're being objective what happened on the 6th was a clear embarrassment for the interests of the U.S state and the West in general. However I also think that the way they are handling it, censoring Trump from twitter and claiming it was a "coup" or a terrorist attack, is actually proving China's and Iran's point. the liberal democratic model is going through its own version of the slow but steady USSRs debacle but without any actual clear alternative (perhaps being actually economically controlled by China yikes) 😳 mark fisher moment


I would even go as far as to say that Brexit and the Trump era has also helped to strengthen the EU position in Europe and the broader western/democratic hemisphere, contrary to what many might belief. Now the UK is forced to base much of its foreign and trade relations around the EU guidelines -but without having a direct voice in the EU's policies- given the fact that EU is a much more bigger actor and because of obvious geopolitical and logistical or geoeconomic reasons (or whatever other term to use idk) Britain will still keep a strong interdependence with the 27. So even the EU, whose now only prominent Anglo member is Ireland, which also happens to be the richest country in the Union, is profiting from an Anglo-American democratic debacle. Basically the Irish won at the end 🇮🇪🤭 #HibernianConspiracy


Shout out to raspberry lime spindrift


I like a lot of Red Scare podcasts but this one was just a little too bleak...ugh


Look, I generally love your show, but your casual hipster overlay to the racist, anti-Semitic evil bullshit inflicted upon the citizens of this country via the Capitol invasion is annoying as fuck. Get a clue.


AOC revealed her failed effectiveness as a legislator by failing to #ForceTheVote on Medicare for All, and by voting for Pelosi when the Squad had leverage... or as trending on the left: the #FraudSquad. Much worse than being a goody two shoes.


I mean, it is very difficult/impossible to get immediate results when you're a tiny minority of the House. But I do think they put issues "on the table" as it were. I'm not a fan of any gov official but I'm not sure it's so easy to dismiss every member of the squad as an outright fraud.




Anna and Dasha so hot!


AOC apologized for a comma bc it made her previous tweet a literal call to "shred our constitution" lol


Scrollin through twitter and now Anna’s account no longer exists....WTF....


No more Patreon support after this episode.


So is Anna unpersoned from twitter or what?


Hey, y'all, please don't take to another centralized channel to reach the world. Please please please add a blog to your website that you fully control so you can reach folks there are CMS's y'all can install that is good with short form content like you both like to make You'll eventually get booted from IG and Fbook and everything else too Use something you control!


Dude it’s super bleak people even need to think in such strategic terms. Zero reason either of them should be censored, noticed a few people’s Twitter was either gone/suspended.


^ What The TurtleMoves said. 👍🏼

George Mitri

...start a Substack, perhaps? Works Greenwald and for Taibbi.


can you discuss the Fran Leibowitz and Martin Scorsese doc series next


One man’s delusional is another man’s seeing clearly and thinking for ones self.


Dude, they were invited in. There’s plenty of video of doors being opened and barriers being moved. Painting this as a coup is so fantastically ridiculous it’s hard to imagine.


Just caught wind of the Twitter Ban. Is it permanent? Please tell me the Pod will still be available. I'm gonna be sick.....like, sicker than usual.


so Anna de-activated her twitter ac? is this the case and why?


welcome to my twitter exile world ladies


y’all camillepagliaquotes, they done restrict her too 🐣


The mentions of bad security just brought me back to 2009 when Tareq & Michaele snuck into the White House... most iconic DC security breach


I'm just here to point out that the dude with the Q Sharmin guy doesn't have a hammer and sickle tattoo, it's the mark of the outsider from a game called dishonoured. Worst then a communist, he's a gamer.


I think, now, the pod can afford the fee for https://youtu.be/l-WazGb7_zk


As an outro for the pod!


ps WTF is happening rn? I thought Jim Henson has been long dead and physically unable to animate a money corpse. Sorry, I’m watching BBC and it’s only more comedic than it’s rivals due to the accent of the subjects.