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The ladies discuss Bill de Blasio's BLM-related antics, Reddit's "hate speech" purge and the St. Louis gun couple.



What happened to the movie episode?


can u guys believe they got ghislaine maxwell ... a year to the day after epstein’s arrest ?? i’m predicting another suicide


I'm craving IN-N-Out rn.


"Did you really have that struggle session? Did you really ask to speak to the manager within?" Tremendous.


How tf is r/incest allowed to exist in “quarantined” form but chapo/ct are outright banned?


The same people who go on anonymous racial tirades are the ones who will support racist measures most fervently, I think removing their subreddit may be an important move for minimizing how comfortable they feel be expressing themselves as racists in a changing world. Though I think the solution for most The_Donald and cumtown users is to probably go to 4chan if they want community and get sucked in by its poison and slowly shrink their frame and their soul to a sort of goblin over years of exposure to gore and sissy hypno, or concentrate into smaller racist discord servers and feel a more peaceful genuine tribal sort of racist communities.


Every time I think I am going insane and making terrible choices, a new episode appears and i breathe a sigh of relief. Ah yes, the retarded alley cats are yowling behind the dumpster again. How I love and missed them!


Also I'm not into moon stuff so I'd never seen "occult" used as a verb in my life. I legit thought Dasha was trying to tell the Redditors to Occupy but her thumbs shifted. Occ-u-cult NYC CHAZ everybody. Avoid


CHAZ to CHOP for the plain oversight that Chaz sounds like a white dude


what's up with this scramble to get other subreddits into banland everytime one someone likes is banned? never seen r/incest (ew) but get over it cara !


exactly, people always talk as if they have somewhere else to go after this, but the fact of the matter is not really, reddit is unique, one-of-a-kind, extremely popular and convenient, a one-stop-shop for all your browsing needs


You guys are missing the Chinese elephant in the room. Piece it all together.


Can you ladies do a movie discussion on Brat ? July 8th will be tha 22 year anniversary of the US release date...


Please tell me y'all are going to talk about Jada and August and not necessarily that she's a predator but everything surrounding it of people having a woke-off?!


My body was talking about how they blew up auto zone in the protests and then the autonomous zone poppped.... shit made me think🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


i get the need for empathy. but those attorneys are clearly fucked in the head i’m sorry. straight out of the ozarks :/


This episode sucked. If you want to know if there are coherent demands, then find out.


What’s the red scare discord link?


omg i just subscribed and didnt kno y’all posted so much luv it


Brat as in Brother? I was just re-watching that and have the B-2 song on repeat That would be kind of epic!


Any thoughts on the DarkHorse Duo process for replacing Biden/Trump?


Tucker's "lost weight" has much to do with his RuPaul-style contouring. Look at his headshots on YouTube, hold your fingers over the dark rouging in his cheeks. It's the old thing I heard once working in a restaurant, where the lady says, "Hey, I think I lost some weight," and the smartass guy next to her says, "Look in the mirror and you'll find it again!"


fitting the bill > footing the bill


You guys should try and get virgina roberts giuffre on the pod


A+ pod, this one. LG


Cannot imagine feeling bad for a cop


Ah this is where being “uninformed” is actually bad. I grew up in STL- the reason why people broke into that neighborhood was to protest the mayor who broke up a homesless camp in an underpass during the worst thunderstorm of the summer and doxxd the ADDRESSES of of “orgrangizers” (corny, but still their residential addresses none the less) of people in the BLM movement. These people are not the 14%, they are the 1%. They have donated triple figures to Trump campaign and are well known for being psychotic in court. Do not underestimate the capacity for evil in the “provinces”


Almost none of you can see the bush for the big naturals.