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The ladies discuss J.Crew's bankruptcy, Adele's weight loss, the Alison Roman/Chrissy Teigen/Marie Condo beef, Michel Houellebecq's coronavirus letter, and The NYT's profile of TradCath Twitter. Relevant reading below!

Christopher Dawson, Catholicism and the Bourgeois Mind.

David Cayley, Questions on the Current Pandemic from the Point of View of Ivan Illich

Tara Isabella Burton, Christianity Gets Weird.



i love the homework/reading


I never really believed the "Red Scare is a psy-op" narrative, but in that last season of Stranger Things, the Russian scientist literally won the carnival game, PROVING that America was real, and was immediately dispatched by a Russian terminator


Impressive how their takes on politics just get worse and worse over time


the Walking essay by Thoreau http://faculty.washington.edu/timbillo/Readings%20and%20documents/Wilderness/Thoreau%20Walking.pdf


If you need weights, fill up empty water jugs with water or fill shopping bags with books etc. Squats can be done without weights too


Hi, relevant to the fashion. Look into urban outfitters. I’ve worked there 4 years and amidst they are the ones trying to hold onto influencer culture. Harder than ever


Anna is so contrarian that she went body-positive on fat Adele


With the discussions on brands, I'd like to hear their take on Abercrombie & Fitch


Girls are wearing their quar disillusionment well imo the sound of their voices are somehow warmer and more engaging and the takes are thriving


great ep. love it when the ladies get philosophical, think they're both good at it but dasha particularly gets her chance to shine.


"and there’s a reason why a lot of these people - especially the online socialists - are so defiantly committed to having a poverty mentality… to be continuing to be overweight and unattractive and that sort of thing, It’s not just an economic thing, they’re defiantly committed in this hostile way to forcing us all to bear witness to their misery." spot on, ladies


Not sure if this is something you guys have read or have had recommended otherwise, but a book that really ties together a lot of the themes you have been talking about recently is Age of Anger by Pankaj Mishra. It offers a deeper intellectual history to the kind of thing you were taking about here re: aspergian reversion to religiosity in the face of the modern, Houellebecqs takes on islam, rusodespondency, and most specifically Kantbots understanding of the angry young man - his take is good, but Mishra's is better and includes and expands upon all the authors Kantbot referenced. Your episodes have made me think of the book repeatedly recently, it's really great.


Wait could you guys do a “love line” style ep about fitness and weight loss. Or just an episode about that bc Anna references her weight loss but I want to hear more about it !!! Love the pod, I want to drink white claws with u in hell <3


Can someone link the Houellebecq letter?


What was that Criterion film Anna mentioned? "Eudie"?