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The ladies discuss Kim Jong-un's ill health and hot sister, Lysolgate, The NYT's oped on nude selfies as "high art," Slavoj Zizek's latest on sex and spirituality in the time of corona, and jacking off to cartoons. 

Read the Times piece here.

Read Zizek's column here.



another week another slightly out of sync conference call


Eva Peron was the hottest female dictator...and I'm sure she really knew how to swing, if you catch my drift...


well said on the nude selfies. sending pictures of your pussy and asshole without an earnest degree of shame and self hatred means you're not doing it right


"So I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion [she pronounces it "jelly-on", gotta love it] which is the best anime ever made... In my estimation... And since then I've tried to watch many other animes and have not been able to fill the void." This is one of the best things she's ever said hands down. Great episode in general. Anna's running gag of "Why I Hate Women and Minorities" is my favorite thing in the world, reminds me of the "My wife" & "wammin" days of old Much love

Ehren Burton

My ears perked up and I had to resist my geeky urge to tweet at Dasha with an Evangelion gif.


This ep is sloppy af, love it


@dasha ping pong club and hamtaro are very cute and horny animes


Dasha’s cackling gives me hope


Please review Funny Ha Ha


dasha should watch cowboy bebop


For better or worse, Spike and Jet taught me more about how to be a man than my father.


DASha watch code geass


Really felt that I miss you before this week’s see you in hell. Actually moving quar content in a sea of images of doctors touching sliding glass doors while someone says during these difficult times....


arranged marriage plot twist: you're 9 years old