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The ladies talk to journalist and author Yasha Levine about the Russian American immigrant experience and his book Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet.



Get Robby Mook on the pod




Great ep! Love when u guys speak Russian.


What is the ideal system in your opinion if America sucks so bad? Specifically political and economic organization for the country.


zoom is not used by business, microsoft 'teams' is used as it has a degree of security - i use it at work, zoom is for people with no budget


I want whatever Yasha's on


interview was ok until high school memories tokyo drifted into chomsky as incel lol & a false relaying of his linguistic theory


Hope we get a pod without a guest soon.


Ask @johnpilger to come on your pod, but he might think you are too far up yourselves to matter, who knows?


Go back to Soviet Union Yasha.


A lot of declarations from the guest without any followup explanations. “We’re perpetually stuck in 1960s counterculture.” Okay, how so? “The internet is totally a boomer medium.” Okay, how so? “Right to privacy is a product of privileged white suburbia.” But... privacy is also important... right? “What does the internet being a public utility even mean? PG&E was a public utility and it was corrupt.” Alright, what alternative would you propose to change the internet as it currently is?


loved this episode


Wow this was good. And i felt like dasha fell in love somewhere in this episode 😳☺️


The ladies are in fighting form!! You guys, this was one of the best episodes yet, it truly had it all


I hope Anna's audio issues get addressed soon - my ears can't take the clipping for one more episode.


aw this ep was so sweet


I think he clearly has a lot of thoughts and felt he was talking to people who "get" where he's coming from - i.e. two also skeptical Russians - so didn't need to elaborate. Personally I was happy to take many of these points as provocations to think about further. Also I think the right to privacy as a product of white suburbia thing didn't need that much more elaboration - under the SU, individuals didn't expect privacy from the state. Most cultures worldwide even today are much more family-orientated and poorer than US suburbia so individuals don't get much privacy from their family members or members of their village etc either. Having the privacy of a house surrounded by a lawn with only your nuclear family inside and individual rooms for each family member is still a state of exceptionalism compared to rest of the world.


This guy is a mo mo.


The claps and cheering in my neighborhood synced up at the end of the pod 💀


Zoom isn’t new it just taken over since it performs better than Skype by taking your computer hostage. My company has been using it for years.


There's nothing revelatory in pointing out that the ARPA and DARPA are part of the US military, but it's so misleading to then use that to suggest we're all prey to some vast government conspiracy by using the internet. These arguments sow a lot of unnecessary fear and nihilism


If possible, can you explain why/in which ways that is misleading?