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The ladies discuss Anna's recent deplatforming, the various ills of social media, contemporary mysticism and astrology. 



Oh baby

m w b

lmao it finally happened


I don't care where meg is, but is she gone? and is it my fault? but I don't care fyi. im sorry

Dael Morris

Two things: first, "psychological arbitrage" is the smartest thing I've heard in a long time. Second, check out Kary Mullis' essay on astrology - he can be very hit and miss, obviously, as you can see from the Google search results, but it's an interesting take.


Great new ep! Liberals are so scared of the word “retard” because the scariest thing in the world to them is to look dumb or uninformed. They’re fine with “idiot” and “dolt” because those two conditions you can overcome, you can’t overcome mental retardation. They’re fucking snowflakes, it’s a class war, we’re all doomed. I need a drink

Ben Poop

fuck's meg?

T Dogg

explain the meg situation pls

Luke F

Bring back meg

Luke F

Stop reading RT


im really fine with just Anna and Dasha

