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The ladies discuss the latest viral take on why millennials are having less sex, Amazon's contested bid to move its HQ to NYC, and Silicon Valley's bizarre marriage of progressive values and predatory practices with writer Angela Nagle

Articles referenced:

"Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex," Kate Julian, The Atlantic 

"How Liberalism is Enslaving Ireland as a Colony of Silicon Valley," Angela Nagle, The Irish Times 


realm lich

holy shit this is a good episode.

realm lich

please release this to the public so i can send it to my idiot friends.

Cal Fenton

The part about 'gym shower nakedness' is spot on. Only the older guys at my gym shower naked. It's hilarious when you see these young bodybuilding 'bros' start having very explicit conversations about women in the locker room, and then to reveal themselves wearing SWIMMING TRUNKS, to go into the shower...

Mathieu Dube

Clouscard in the house! He's very useful to understand our world. I wish his work was translated in English. Editions Delga( <a href="http://editionsdelga.fr/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://editionsdelga.fr/)</a> is publishing his work and work on him for those interested


Subscribed because of the preview. This was so good wow


Please do a climate change episode with Angela Nagle.


what a wonderful, thought-provoking episode. really enjoyed Angela's commentary and i feel like i learned quite a bit from this episode!! i hope y'all bring her back on. also, i would love to hear you ladies do an episode centered around modern consumerism or materialism, if you haven't already. i know that's kind of a broad topic but i'm curious to hear what y'all have to say


this was truly enlightening, thank you! i'm a new patron and this was my first episode ❤️


so good


yea, this was really good


one of the most cathartic episodes for myself to date, to hear dasha lament about the displacement of young creatives and natives by rich tech student grads in the bay area, as someone who lives in the bay area now NOT in tech—well said queen