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Imagine you stumble upon a 25 year old box set of VHS for a lost vasukiverse animated series... I wish.

I've been feeling this stuff lately, the hardcore nostalgia for my childhood. I tend to slip really hard into the 90s when I am in a slump. I've always wanted to make a pic like this, and recently have finally started dabbling in it - there may be more to come!

I think, in Trapper's case, he's not avoidant of the wedding because "ew girl stuff", but moreso because he just finds them incredibly boring. I mean it is kind of dull, just sitting around for hours, just to appease his girlfriend's family. Why would he want to do that when he can instead go jetskiing naked on Brody's dad's yacht? Not to mention he tends to butt heads with the bride - that being his girlfriend's older sister. I have the feeling he may somehow convince Tre to actually attend in his place.



Andy S

Tre is not looking too impressed. I don't know if Trapper would convince him. What another wonderful scene Vasuki! I'm a 90s kid myself, so I was feeling the hardcore nostalgia too.

Allan Meyer

Jetskiing naked on Brody's dad's yacht, HECK YEAH all in