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For a while now I've been toying with this idea of diving into a fantastical universe where I can just world build and design monsters... eventually, I'd like to devote more time to this, and release an art book dedicated to it all on its own. Here's a taste of what I've been working on pertaining to this. The hero is a wolf... dog? wolfish dog? possibly just a dog or a non specific kind of mutt, from a mountain village. I don't have a ton of actual lore built up for this still yet, but this design for him is very early. I like his look but his wardrobe needs some tweaking as it is borrowing heavily from Dragon Quest at this stage still, and I want to not be so blatantly taking a look from that wholesale. But, it's still a good starting point.

Also featuring a pine marten thief. I'm really not sure about this character at all, but he IS cute.




Yesss, I love all your RPG pics. 100% in support of more. 😁


thank you man, means a lot to me. hopefully I can get around to exploring this concept more, then.