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Whew.. this is finally, after several weeks of re-working Bailey entirely, traveling across the world, con and family and covid, I’m finally done with the ‘End’ page of Denali. I said I wanted to do a treat for you all who supported it and a lot of you wanted to see them preg, so it made sense given how it ended, for this to fit comfortably within the pages.

3-OC pieces usually are quite challenging, especially their sizes and differing shapes, and more dynamic or interactive/twisty poses with lots of contact, and this really was no exception. It’s not perfect, but perfect for what it needs to be I suppose. I imagined this about a year later, enough time for hair to grow and change, a few customs as well, and some heavy practice between these three. I think Tala would still be living with Bailey, and they’d see Maasak pretty often.

So after …7? ..8? Years, I am calling this the end to Predators of Denali, at least for the time being and the book. I do have more ideas with them and the other characters, and i will still be drawing them, but as I shift focus to sci-fi, Ive been writing those ideas down so I don’t forget for later. All that’s left is to finish formatting the comic and updating a few page fixes for print, and I’ll be ready to have it printed later this month!

Thank you all for sticking around and supporting my work. It’s really humbling that so many of you like what I do enough to keep me fed and alive as I do my own stories.




What a happy couple... er, triple ^_^


I am so happy to see the completion of the comic! I can't wait to see the next set of predators series in the future!