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Alright. October changes a few things with the removal of the high tier. It certainly doesn't change how much I'll be updating on Patreon, high-res, PSDs etc. will still be posted here, and sketches just as often. Apologies on the Patreon illustration, will have that up here in a day or two! 1. October sketch commission slots. They will replace the tier, with the bonus of Patreons having extra entries into being picked. Check out the journal at any one of these sites below, and if interested, email me at fkevlar [at] gmail.com ! http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6163151/ https://www.sofurry.com/view/763691 https://inkbunny.net/journalview.php?id=151802 https://www.weasyl.com/journal/65110/ 2. Votes for the tutorial this month! providing some ideas helped last time, so here's a few things I can think of: feet, eyes, colour schemes, silhouettes, general design 3. Votes for the monthly pinup! Though I shouldn't really say 'votes', since so few people suggest some. Hrm. Was thinking of making the votes/suggestions open public, but Patrons' counting much higher? So far there just have been few people asking for 'em. Let me know what you think.



I still say you should do Captain Amelia as the pinup! For the tutorial, perhaps you'd consider doing one on slight muscle definition? I also like the eyes idea; that's one thing I always have trouble with.


Eyes are cool - through shading would be still on my list.


My vote is for eyes on the tutorial stuff. As for the pin-up, I'm voting for Fluff-gryph again :p


You should have your gryphon character be the pinup this month!

Bruce W

2. Eyes 3. Some sort of "Fluff designed" kirin lady (because there are so many interpretations)


Eyes are interesting and guess gryphon?

Nathan G.

Renamon would fit your style well, I think. That's my vote.


Vikna! I vote/suggest Vikna. :D