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I am 46 today, which is an important age for fans of Lovecraft. I think about the Old Gent a lot, and knowing that my Great Grandmother was born the same year as him and lived to be 95 I can't help feeling that his life was far too short.

This week the most recent Leaves went out, and hopefully they are a welcome surprise for a few reasons. A splash of red to commemorate an important milestone, and the return of the original paperstock. I bought out the last of one distributors supply so that will help in the short term.

I have some messages to respond to and I will get to them soon I promise.

Finally, check out the latest monograph from the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society, it is absolutely fascinating and very topical.

Yog-Sothoth Neblod Zin,





Well happy birthday, Christian, and many many more. By the way, the new (old) color paperstock looks so much better.


Happy Birthday Chris! Keep up your great artwork!