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Hello! Hope everyone's been doing well.

In the first place, hope you had Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! My best wishes for you to have a great year, and best of luck with your goals!

Second place, thank you so much for everyone who's stuck around even during my break, I really appreciate your support!

Third, but not least important: I'm back! The break was pretty good to think things through, and just have a vacation overall, so thank you so much for your patience.

As I mentioned in a previous post, the Sketch Suggestions are going to happen once every two months, and will start on February. So this month will not feature one, but I will still upload things during this month, so stay tuned for that!

As for the new Tier, it's going to be one that's mostly for people that would be interested to pledge some more while maintaining the same features as of a regular membership. Seeing how things go, I'll see if I add new features for it.



Aye!!! I hope it was what you needed!!!


Happy new year