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Here's a picture featuring Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5. The idea was suggested by (A)rrow.

"Ryuji wanted to invite Joker to a date and because he is not good expressing his feeling he worked out the whole week previous intensively for showing Joker his love for him"

Seems like all that working out paid off handsomely! As Ryuji could barely fit into any door with how huge he become.

The problem is that...he didn't think about the fact he couldnt find any clothes taht could fit him before he invited Ren over.

The moment Ren arrived, he was received by an almost naked Ryuji who had to get on his knees to even take a peek through the door. It may make things harder for Ryuji to confess his feelings with how embarrassed he is, but seems like the two boys were going to have a nice time together either way. haha

Hope you like it!




OMG he looks so gorgeous, so perfect 😍 And his expression, the way he's blushing like that ahsjshjgs 🙏🙏🙏 Great job Rotten! 👏👏👏