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Here's a picture featuring Gladion from Pokemon Sun/Moon. The idea was suggested by adamony.

"Gladion begins to hit the gym and ends up massive, but when hau Gladion and elios invade the aether foundation his size becomes a problem when they’re squeezed into the elevator, smushed against his immense muscles"

Gladion was giving his best to become the strongest trainer to protect the people he cares about...by both training his pokemon AND himself, him becoming HUGE after months of hitting the gym.

...Too bad that it seems that bringing a massive, angry hulking beast like Gladion to a stealth mission was a bad idea. Now the three trainers are stuck in the middle of the elevator thanks to Gladion's mass.

This situation, plus the plotting that was happening in the Aether Paradise ws getting to Gladion's nerves, him becoming angrier by the second. Both Hau and Helios, who were stuck between Gladion's massive muscles, could have sworn that the muscles that were smooshing them against the wall were becoming bigger as Gladion became angrier...

Seems like Gladion will get them out one way or another...even if it means to outgrow the elevator...and the whole building!

Hope you like it!




Looks like Elio and Hau are getting stuck on his muscles during the Elevator ride


Oooh, this is my fav of the month so far! 😊

Character Cottage

Jeez, the way you drew this and the situation is so fun! Next levels of smush going on.


Ouhhhh I love it!! So cute!