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Thanks for your support and patience over December and into January!

image WIPS: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/qeb960cx272ki459g3mb7/h?rlkey=gy15kfcbsurpgad2b4bhy8c3b&dl=0

video WIPS: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/6p49g2p6ji9gb4qqlcrt9/h?rlkey=z498ui25r6i3jhxauzjb3nha9&dl=0

I strongly recommend downloading the videos and watching them locally, as dropbox's playback compresses the life out of them :(

Please let me know if there are any issues, or you have any feedback!




Ooohh, he doesn’t like it when the harness flicks like that, huh? X3


I’m also curious but this probably won’t be happening until SO much later, or not at all; would Andre gain more muscle definition as he gets bigger? I mean he does start flexing and admiring his muscles at 6:20 so I figured he’s noticing he’s even thicker. Was just wondering <=)