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Hey all! Hope your new year was awesome, and you got some time to relax!!

As I mentioned earlier, there will be a rewards cycle for December. I will admit that one of the shots I have been working on has been kicking my arse a bit, so I am running a little late on the rewards. However, I am just finishing up the last few seconds and am hoping I will be able to send everything out in about a week's time. My apologies for the delay.

The progress this month will be about 16 seconds of polished animations on two missing shots; 118 and 119. So this month’s focus has been the intro.

Looking ahead, there will be no rewards cycle for January (so I will disable payments for the coming cycle) and am aiming for February to be the next cycle.





Ah, good 'before' shot o3o Makes what's to come all the more exciting! And Happy New Year, too!


Can't wait for the new development big guy!