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Heya people!

Just a small reminder that I've also got a Discord, if you'd like to come check it out you can do so here, it's a pretty chill place and I'd love it if you came hang out! πŸ’―πŸ˜


(However don't feel forced to join if you don't want to; exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX page itself and not the Discord, so no fear in missing out on anything! πŸ’ͺ)
Published: 2023-05
Heya people!

Just a small reminder that I've also got a Discord, if you'd like to come check it out you can do so here, it's a pretty chill place and I'd love it if you came hang out! πŸ’―πŸ˜


(However don't feel forced to join if you don't want to; exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX page itself and not the Discord, so no fear in missing out on anything! πŸ’ͺ)

(@rubberemma I still can't reply back through the pixiv message atm. Hence the link through a newsletter; bit of a roundabout way but it works! πŸ˜…πŸ˜‰)
Published: 2023-05
Where to find the latest version (tier II V0.25.1):

Heya people!

Just a small reminder where you can find the latest update (its been out for Tier II for some time now); it can be found here: https://scriptor.fanbox.cc/posts/5324477 

It’s been buried underneath all the dev posts, so I get that people have a hard time finding it; hence the newsletter. ^^

Also another small reminder; I cannot respond to any pixiv messages at the moment, so if you do send me a pixiv message please attach either your email or Discord tag! (Or I won't be able to respond back to you. πŸ˜–πŸ™ˆ)

That's all, hope you guys have a pleasant remainder of the week and see you soon! ;3

Published: 2023-04
Heya people!

Just a small reminder that I've also got a Discord, if you'd like to come check it out you can do so here, it's a pretty chill place and I'd love it if you came hang out!  πŸ’―πŸ˜


(However don't feel forced to join if you don't want to; exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX page itself and not the Discord, so no fear in missing out on anything! πŸ’ͺ)
Published: 2023-03
This is a test of the newsletter system!

Sorry for the ping; just testing out the newsletter system for (potential) future use. :3
Published: 2023-01