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Time is not on my side when it comes to getting things done. That's the rule in these parts. It's the one constant thing you know you're subjected to when you are here. I've got 1 session active, another passively being done, and more beyond that on paper. I'm about 85% done with my current one, it's just a matter of dialing everything in for a few days to ensure that everything is as it should look - then rendering it out. August feels like it should be that month where I get one damn thing done... or not. The schedule is all screwy at work, I'm currently interim-lead which means I've taken over duties of the primary lead until he gets back for a few days. Then he gets shipped off again somewhere and I'm back to being lead. It'll be a rough couple of months schedule-wise. I'll post WIPs until I can get the real thing out.



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