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Hi, Hardcores. I have one more WIP to show before I start my long-shift week. My hands and back will be devastated every day, so I thought it'd be best to get a few more things done on the current session. I angled the camera from the previous post down a bit to show more of a side view. This helps with obscuring the hair above the chair (it didn't work, but I'm banking on fixing that in post). Don't know if I'll put the camera back up or not. Some more minor tweaks were done here and there, but it's mostly the same. I don't know if the face will stay the same, or if her necklace will be changed, whatever else could you a bit of tweaking. Her eyebrows look blonde in the preview but it's brown in the actual render. The two big things I need to get are the lighting and the environment. Color of the blanket miiiiight stay the same unless I can get a different shader for it. Too many little things to list, too little time to get to all of them in the next 5 days, all big maybes. See you all around sooner than later.




As a Shota profile, you might be able to use one of the young Winsors as a template, if that's at all possible. Then it stays in the family 😉


Ah, a possibility. I didn't intend that on this one. Kept it anon. I wanted Kate's sluttiness to come out for all the world's shotas. Good idea for the future though to do a family thing. Kate herself is a very distant cousin to William, too.