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Hi, all. It's been a week and there's still no session in place. It's me playing with toys. There's a good reason I never stream - I wouldn't even watch it. Recently, WWE 2k22 was released (including PC) and the models look quite good in it. I haven't been an active wrestling viewer since ~2004/2005 so I'm way out of the loop, but I like to watch some channels here and there just for entertainment sake (top 10s, Botchamania, etc, Attitude Era stuff, etc.). I'm bringing this up cause that's what you're seeing above - my attempt at feeling 14 again and trying to acquire one of these stars for my own devious ends. Without the real model, however, there's only so much I can do. Hell, the one shown all the way to the right in the header up top isn't even an official one - some dude just did it using assets in the new game to match. Point is, it's times like this that hinder me from using the real thing, so I have to settle for 2nd best... that being what I made in the middle. That thing all the way on the left is from a previous game. Not usable after seeing what the new one looks like. Reminds me of that bad default Jodie Holmes (Ellen Page) model that I had to enhance myself. Anyway, giving you all an update while I rummage around. Sorry, progress will be at a snail's pace this month. It's the end of the quarter period at my work, which means grueling hours and hand-stress that'll prevent any significant 3D progress. Strap in.



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