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Hi, all. I sat around with random WIP models to see what'll spark that creative juice. So far, lots of ideas but nothing to commit to. I'll be compiling some stuff over the next few days for environments, props, and other accessories. Hopefully, that helps find a scenario that I can work with. I'm about to hit the end-of-quarter period at my job. This means long, grueling hours that'll leave me with little time and hand strength to continue doing any substantial 3D work. I popped up an AMA to take my time behind the scenes while having some type of content interaction for the main crowd. It'll be like the last AMA where I throw it out and after a few weeks reel it back in. With 10,000 people I'm sure somebody has something they want to ask that isn't "do you take commissions/requests/ideas". Expect the next few posts to not be session-based, but more aimless. Maybe even a quickie if I'm up for it. We'll take this day by day before it becomes week by week.




Good afternoon! Can you create a celebrity like Felicity Jones? I can see that your models are beautiful and very similar to the original.


Out of interest, is it possible to make Instagram models or actual pornstars? The models above are incredibly as ever btw.


This is something I'd like to answer in longer detail when I do the AMA post. For now, short answer: yes.


Good to know. If SS becomes more regular too, I'd like to support and be a fan on here as that (and beast) is more what I enjoy. Not trying to turn your hand so to speak. Just that is what I tend to sub to creators for. Your work over the years, I can only speak for myself as a woman has been inspiring at times. Thanks for the quick reply.


If I didn't have a busy day job, I'd devote more time to 3d. But yeah, I normally stick to ss, beast, and loli. Even without being a paid supporter, fans and followers caring to see what I do is always welcome.


I hope you can do millie bobby brown


I did a pic set of her last month (available on the main page). So she's already done. But more in the future? Yes, in time.