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Being unemployed and a hermit for over 2 years means weekends and holidays are kind of meaningless. The days blur as you sleep past midnight and wake up before noon. Everyone around you interacts with the world and makes some type of progress in their life. You on the other hand lose interest in much of anything else and let yourself go. So imagine my surprise when, despite already having work holidays up to this point, that we get to September, and Labor Day actually means something. That your workplace recognizes it, you get the day off, and you get paid for not working. Many jobs do this but keep in mind also that every job I've worked at (except the military) was basically a temp-to-hire / contractor's position that meant minimum wage, barely any benefits, and I mostly never associated with the company as an employee because technically I wasn't one of "their" employees. Being at a job that I'm an actual employee of, pays mid-to-high 5-figure salary, in the tech field, more benefits than I can count, isn't a loser company, and hands out PTO like snacks - not everyone is this fortunate. In 2021 I went from unemployed, to being a receptionist temp at a school, to a tech inspector making more money than my parents did. I fret over not delivering the goods for fans on here because that's why you're here in the first place. To support me, and if I don't make good on that then 1) it feels like I'm cheating you out of your time and, for some, money 2) that's my rep on the line and I have that to uphold. To most people here, I'm one of many porn artists you keep tabs on, I recognize that. To me, this is one of the core segments of my life. I'm not alone in wanting to share this experience of making 3D art. The grind isn't the life I wanted, but it was a lot worse than this. I'm trying to look on the brighter side.




If I go out of my way, then my commitment is definitely something personal. When I started doing this in May, I underestimated the many small sums of money from the individual artists. In the end, I supported far too many. It must have been 50, so the monthly bill was about 10% of my net income. I reduced the total to about 7% the following month, which was still quite high. Which is why I made another radical choice. Now it is about 2%. An amount with which I can live well in the long term (!). And as mentioned, "my" 11 artists are also important to me personally. And that's exactly why you're still there. I don't care if you take one picture a month or thirty. It is important to me that you can work creatively, because your work and the artist mean something to me.


I know you have problems with your health. But you don't give up. You know, I've had cancer five times (to date). And since it is an inherited genetic disease in me, chemo didn't help either. Only early detection and removal through an OP. But at least I can be helped. Other people in less developed countries have no chance at all, which is why I don't want to complain. I stick to Horace's "Carpe Diem"


Had no idea about your condition. That's very unfortunate and terrible to hear! Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your life. It helps humanize the people I interact with as more than just names on a screen and that's why it matters to me - sharing my love of this content with other people who also enjoy it.


It's not terrible for me. I don't know any other way. The only important thing is to make the best of your situation. (That doesn't mean not occasionally "letting your legs dangle", as we say in German. Say, just doing nothing😉). I just wanted to let you know with my mail that it was me It is very important how you and your work are doing. Currently I only support ten (as I noticed earlier. The eleventh has discontinued his support function on his own initiative. The first 10 in my "overview", if you are interested.) And each and every one of them is important to me. As an artist and as a person.


Well, I'm pleased to have someone who definitely lives up to the hardcore fan title. I hope what I do will continue to prove my worth and satisfy folks.