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My hand and fingers were in pain so I didn't do any 3D work. Pushing through the pain and numbness is NOT advisable. I've done it in the past when I thought I knew better and it was a terrible idea (hello, carpal tunnel / RSI). I'm making this post for everyone cause I don't believe non-paying followers know quite exactly what I've been working on these past several weeks. Hardcore (paying) fans take a backseat, you already know all this stuff. For those of you who would like the be in the know, now's the time. I've been knee-deep in an Ellen Page session to the point where I literally looked up where she used to live in LA and somewhat recreated the setting. Parts of each picture are literally shots taken from her actual once-lived-on property. I think by now I know the layout of that house just as well as she did. I took my perversion seriously for the sake of authenticity. The model is Jodie Holmes from Beyond: Two Souls, which by all accountsis basically just Ellen Page. I wanted to use her for years and this was the time where I made up for my lack of use. It required me cleaning her up cause that default model did not have hotness in mind. So now you all know. I have 3 pictures done, with most likely just 1 more that I'll work on next when I feel my hand is rested enough. At that point, the last pic will be available for hardcore members before being available to general followers on my main page. Expect the set to be publically released mid-April... maybe?



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