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Uncensored: https://files.catbox.moe/sa2onm.jpg Got it done in time. In fact, I spent several hours modding Skyrim SE again to play after many years. Ended up playing maybe 1-2 hours before rage-quitting when having a mod issue. Absolutely stellar use of my time. So I went back to the picture and finished what I needed. The pic wouldn't have been possible if I didn't get that background right. It's not 100% correct, but it works. The last hurdle was lighting - something that I'd say is always my biggest struggle. Whether or not it ends up being consistent with the other pics in this set, well, I can't say it was my intention to manage it to that level (especially as I've been working backwards in terms of sequence). I think 1 more is all I need to put a cap on this Ellen Page series. Can't end a porn scene without cum. I thought about doing a beginner "establishing" scene but it remains to be seen as to whether I go through with it. I'm getting this done no matter what. Hang in there, people!

