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My pictures span non-video game and video game characters. Non-VG has the advantage of fetish and flexibility while VG is fetish and familiarity. I enjoy doing both, of course, but it's easier doing Non-VG because it doesn't restrict me to a character over everything else. I can be very strict on keeping lore intact. Then comes the pseudo-realism aspect of celebrity models, and this opens up another area between the two choices. The closer the likeness, the more sold someone is on the content. But if I don't have the model, then there is no opportunity to use them. Photographic face generation through programs can only get you so far and often will only net a partial, ballpark likeness. Deepfaking is also hit or miss, since I've tried it before and it doesn't always work (and if it does, it looks really awkward and forced). So I just hope a developer or director gets a celebrity in their game and does the hard work for me (bless your heart, Kojima). I'm not going to force a celeb into a picture if I don't have access to one that's meets my expectations. I need to convince myself that it is close enough. That's how the Liz Olsen one session came to be. I'll go more in-depth on this another day. For now, I just wanted to get this out of the way. I'll have a list of celebs I love and whether I actually have access to them. And no, they will not be up for requests. I do not make my own models, I do not know how to create models. I just get them as they come. I doubt most 3d artists would give me their models, let alone before they realize what I'll use them for.




Here is hoping they all get to meet proper shota cock sometime xD