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To join the server, you must first be a fanbox member.

Second, you must have a discord account that does not have the default

discord icon or is brand new. New discord accounts are usually marked as such

when first made and will be ignored/kicked.

Lastly, you must complete the task. When you first join the server, you will only see a very small pool of channels, one of which is marked "the-task"

This is deliberate, as the majority of channels are hidden to the public. The server opens up when you post "client" or "artist" in the "the-task" channel

Afterwards, wait. An admin will give you the proper role so you can see the rest of the server. If you do not, just refresh and it should be fully accessible.

These may be annoying inconveniences, but time has proven them to be more necessary than not.




Is the Discord temporarily restricted? The links are outdated.