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Due to the recent purges that have happened to various discord servers and members in our community, I am temporarily reinstating the TASK system for new visitors.

For those unfamiliar, it means that for those who choose to become a member of this fanbox and join the associated discord server, they will be greeted with a limited lobby as all channels are hidden until the neccessary role is given. Before, it was just enough to be a fanbox pledge and I or one of my administrators would just give the role automatically. Now you would be required to complete the task again, which is going to the visible "the-task" channel and declaring yourself as artist or client.

Failure to do so will result in an automatic kick. Furthermore, if you only have the discord default or are brand new to discord you will also be kicked regardless if you complete the task as you lack the clout needed to be recognized as someone that is not a bot or instigator.

We will also be temporarily reintroducing the purge system, which means clients that have been inactive for two or more weeks with not a single significant purge will be removed. You are allowed to appeal if removed and consideration for purging can be waived if you give warning in advance that you will not be able to be active for a set period, such as due to academic or work obligations or a medical emergency.

My duties as community leader and to make sure the server is secure and its members comfortable. To those ends, if you have no intentions to integrate into the community and follow even the bare minimum of requirements, you are not welcome.

Keep that in mind if you attempt to join this fanbox and eventually, the server itself.


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