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Yan-K, a master motion designer who helped me navigate After Effects in the Atohs project said he was interested in having me turn his OC into a shota. He's very interested in my passion for turning shotas into plasterer's radio (?) and he wanted the same for his OC. Welp, I'll repay him by gifting his OC lots of protein then ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)

Yan-K大大是動態設計的大佬,也是在Atohs企劃中給予我許多協助的人。他似乎也對把正太變成破抹布很有興趣,說希望我把他的OC也變成正太抹布(?)。看來只好送很多蛋白質給他當回禮了呢( •᷄ὤ•᷅)

Concept | 概念

Given that his OC doesn't have any specific setting, he gave me complete freedom in his portrayal 🤔

Since the character design is rather futuristic and high-tech, the story I plan to have is one where he's an agile corporate thief, stealing trade secrets and confidential information from big tech companies and selling them for a living. This in turn leads to salary cut for the security team due to their inability to stop important documents from leaking. So when the securities finally caught him red-handed and realize their thief has been a lil brat all along, you can imagine how they'll vent the anger they've accumulated throughout the years… ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ


考量到他的造型是比較未來/高科技的風格,這次我打算設定的背景是:身為身手矯健的商業小偷,他的工作是靠竊取與販售大科技公司的商業機密與文件維生,這也導致該公司的警衛們因表現不佳年年減薪。當警衛們終於逮到犯人,結果發現只是個臭小鬼,長年累積的怨氣要怎麼發洩應該不難想像… ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ

Draft | 草稿

I'll make Yan-K's cloth toggleable, but probably not the guards' 🤔


The original plan was to have the guards on the top hold both of Yan-K's legs, but then I realized that having one leg held by a cuff would be even sexier while also allowing the guard to jerk off onto our main character.

I also really liked the tearing of the tight shorts, revealing a pressed-down flacid penis (๑>؂<๑)


我同時也很喜歡把緊身短褲撕裂的設計,揭開了向下固定住且還沒勃起的雞雞 (๑>؂<๑)

Lighting | 二分


I built a simple high tech corridor in Blender for the background. Since most of it will be blurred, I'm not too worried about the details ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

我用Blender簡單蓋出了一個高科技感的走廊。考量到大部分的背景都會糊掉,我沒有特別注重這裡的細節∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Ambient Occlusion | 遮蔽陰影

Undertone | 藏色

Added with gradient mapping. Not essential, but does make the final color look a bit richer and varied


Base Color | 底色

Colored Draft | 草稿上色

Rendering (Main Character) | 細修(主角)

I decided to make the zip only attached to one side. This only happens when the zip is broken, and in this state, you can no longer zip something close. My hope is that this hints at the idea that the jacket was brutally forced open and is now beyond repair. ⌓‿⌓

我決定讓拉鍊只出現在一邊,原因是通常這代表拉鍊已經被拉壞,且不再能用來關上任何物品。我希望能透過這樣來暗示他的外套是被暴力撐開的,而且破到無法闔上 ⌓‿⌓

Rendering (Side Characters) | 細修(其他角色)

Post-Processing | 後製

I forgot to save a copy here, sorry (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💢ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ

這邊忘記存過程了,抱歉啦 (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💢ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ

Friends' Suggestions | 友人們的建議

@Draugnut noted that the perspective of the butthole and the penis seems to be a bit flat. He recommended that when the shorts are removed, make the penis flip the other way would be more natural!

Rinmi (@9Rin_miRin) helped to correct some of the anatomy on the mob's arm and hands, as well as fixing the right shoulder's anatomy for our main character!

Big thanks to both of them as usual, time to draw the variations (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

@爪 提出屁眼與雞雞的透視似乎有些扁平。他建議當短褲脫掉時,讓雞雞往後翻會看起來比較自然一些!

Rinmi (@9Rin_miRin) 則是指出了一些路人的手臂與手腕的解剖問題,也指出了主角右肩的解剖問題!

非常感謝兩位幫忙,是時候來畫差分了(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)






Intruder Alert smart watch notification, nice touch haha. The ripped clothing 👍 Plasterer's Radio finish? 😍🤤👌


Poor boy... but his face is very undistorted for being captured and mangled... shouldn't he have at least more surprise or anger on his face like "what are they think they do to me. I am the boss..." sthg like that? He seems so calm and nearly enjoying(?) that someone finally takes notice of him and "uses" him?.. Hmm..I was hit by one thought though: Will there ever be a Sand Suna work without the white sticky stuff and "anatomical elements" that are used to penetrate others? I start to be a bit "bored" from variations of the same theme... ^;..;^ - but nonetheless a stunning work again. You really are a pro now... respect!


I don't think I can ever have a sex scene without plasterer's radio finish, it's too much of a driving force for me (*´艸`*)🥵


Given that he's a thief that usually works in the shadow, he's not the bossy type, but the calm, analytical, timid type that's still trying to analyze his next move since he did not foresee this coming (ó﹏ò。) If I exaggerate the expression here too much, then there'll be nothing left to exaggerate in the variations, so I'm purposefully toning it down first the first frame XD --- My FANBOX works are primarily NSFW/sex focused, similar to how Pizza Hut's main focus is selling pizza. If you're looking for SFW works, I guess it'll be my other commercial works? The most recent one being Atohs which I know you've seen but also aren't your cup of tea as well 🤔. Either way, having pizza is nice, but if the only diet you have is pizza, that's not healthy either. If you'd like to take a break from pizza and have fruits and veggie, we do occasionally offer that here, but the options for that here are likely more limited than other places :>


Here's an incomplete list of relatively more SFW artists I enjoy for your recommendation in the unlikely event that you don't already know them: Draugnut: https://twitter.com/draugnut Koe: https://twitter.com/Koe_Nemu wool: https://twitter.com/wool_bl 木村B: https://twitter.com/arumik_sub8 kokicola: https://twitter.com/koki_polaris なかはら: https://twitter.com/nakahara_GLCTC zngo: https://twitter.com/zngoron Harpuia: https://twitter.com/baku1210 50%OFF: https://twitter.com/_50off__ 海ばたり: https://twitter.com/Umibatari steelwire: https://twitter.com/_steelwire Sora096: https://twitter.com/sora00925




Already an amazing concept and definitely looking forward to the finished product later on! Loved the idea of using handcuffs as always you're very creative! Only wish I could of possibly been one of the guards that caught such a cute thief~ x3




Thanks Videogames! I've finished the variations just now, should be published within a day or two >w<!! As most of my readers are bottoms and want to be the bottom in my work, I guess you won't have to look far for cute thieves(尺v尺)(?