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✨If it's up to me, there are 3 things I've been wanting to cook:

First, a gift illustration to cat boy Yan-K, someone who has helped me a lot in the Atohs project.

Second, a wild card that involves a bed made out of vibrators. This is mostly for my own fetish needs („ಡωಡ).

Third, a super elaborate birthday gift tailored to my good friend Draugnut, which will be released on December 1st.

I've begun working on the first and second item prior to this month, so they should be released sooner than usual. My main focus will be on the third item, if you're into feet, you're in luck 🤫 (?)

Below are the vote accumulation statistics:


第一,贈圖給貓貓 Yan-K,感謝他在Atohs企劃上給予我非常多幫助

第二,把按摩棒做成床,比較重口的性癖自我滿足 („ಡωಡ)




1. 【Part-Time Job】 - 17

2. 【Be Quiet!】 - 26

3. 【Newbie】 - 37

4. 【Our Toy】 - 0

5. 【Accident】 - 6

6. 【Character Setting | 角色設定】 - 25

7. 【Watch & Learn】 - 39

8. 【?】 - 0


Atohs | #BOF:NT ⚛️Music: Ice (@ice_loki) ⚛️Movie: Sand Suna (@sandsuna__) We poured > a year working on this entry, please check it out! (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ) 這是我們傾注了一年多時間與心血的作品,可以的話請務必點開看看!(๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ) https://youtu.be/cakiXOxNIJk Assets | 素材 ⚛️Key visual ⚛️主視覺 ⚛️20 second...

✨The Atohs project is finally finished after over a year of work! Please check it out if you haven't (*'∀'*)


✨Huge thanks to Draugnut for gifting these illustrations to celebrate the completion of Atohs 。゚(゚இωஇ゚)゚。

These illustrations will make more sense once you find the QR code easter egg in the MV XD

✨超級感謝 爪爪 贈送賀圖紀念Atohs完成。゚(゚இωஇ゚)゚。

這些插畫可能要先看過MV內的QR code彩蛋才會比較好懂 XD

✨We've submitted Atohs to a rhythm game competition called BOF:NT. At the time of writing, we're currently ranked 9th! Please help us by leaving an impression >

Our link for voting (Must use web version and not mobile): https://manbow.nothing.sh/event/event.cgi?action=More_def#=429&event=142

To make an impression:

1. Click the 「インプレッションフォームを表示する」 tab near "Post Short Impression",

2. Fill in your handle name, email, a score (max 1000),

3. Write a few words of comments in the "Impression" field,

4. Check the "Oath" that you have played the work on a proper game client, and there you go!

✨我們將Atohs投稿於一個叫做BOF:NT的音樂遊戲比賽,在寫這段話時我們目前排名第九!想很不要臉地請大家幫忙我們投個票(impression) ><!請記得寫任何評論前先看過BMS譜哦(最簡單的難度也可以)!💕



1. 點開Post Short Impression那邊「インプレッションフォームを表示する」,

2. 填上名字(網名就可)、email、分數(上限1000),

3. 在Impression那邊簡單寫一兩句評語,

4. 打勾Oath確認有玩過作品就可以了!

✨Rare female work ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ A birthday doodle to my friend Cy, who is also the writer for Atohs! To be released on 11/16

✨很難得畫女生 ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 給予友人Cy的生日塗鴉,她同時也是Atohs的寫手!將於11/16發表

✨Starri made it onto Steam! It's the first time my work ever made it to Steam. I made a few more rhythm game charts for them <3

✨Starri登上Steam了!這應該是我第一次有作品被收進Steam的遊戲內。我也幫他們多寫了幾張音樂遊戲譜 <3







I remember talking to you about the vibrating bed a while ago. Interested to see where this leads haha


Might give a similar vibe to the old "⚫REC" series (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)


Wow, wow, wow… you are doing so many things.. this must be very creatively exhausting! I hope you don’t overdo yourself and have some quality time with Mutoh? Sometimes I think I should have committed more of my life to art and have all this power that you have! Thanks for all you do for us!


It's exhausting indeed! But I'm also very very excited about them(尺v尺) As for Mutoh... he's too busy preparing for exams and haven't spent much time with me lately ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` ) On the bright side, I'm ultra productive because of this 😋


Omg waiting for that feet content So much! You are cutest horny person in the world Suna and your characters are suuuper ubbbber cute with perfect small and smoth feet that need a rly good treatment! I aleays wishes to see your foot content work, looks Limę christmas will come sooner this year! Thank you !!!


I'm glad you're enjoying my feet content, Futa! Especially because I consider myself not very good at drawing feet. In all honesty, I don't have a foot-fetish; hence, it is more difficult for me to gauge what is a drool-worthy foot. However, I do have an artist friend who has a massive thing for feet, so whenever I draw feet dominant work, I always ask for his feedback ( • ̀ω•́ ) You might already know this artist, but I'll recommend him again just in case! Draugnut: https://www.fanbox.cc/@draugnut