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✨Orbi Setting | Orbi 設定: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/2601802

✨Duty Boy Setting | 值日生設定: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/2648440

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Fan Bonus | 粉絲Bonus


Huge thanks to my good friend Erv for helping me refine my messy notes into coherent Mandarin text while providing me with various great ideas (´,,•ω•,,)♡

Huge thanks also to Lebenriss for helping with the English translation! My writing could get very mechanical, his is wayyyyyyyy more lively (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡

Mutoh's setting is coming out this month as well!

特別感謝好友 Erv 幫忙把我粗糙的筆記修改成語句通順的中文句子,也給了我很多好點子(´,,•ω•,,)♡

也特別感謝 Lebenriss 乾爹幫忙我翻譯英文版!我寫的句子很容易過於僵硬,他的版本比我的好太多太多太多了 (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡


Remember to vote on next month's illustration using the link below!






嗨 沙沙 乾杯🥛🥛


乾杯🥛🥛 等等,雞雞就普通包莖啊,需要什麼設定嗎ww?!


我盡力(´ . .̫ . `) 武藤平時孬得要死,但是說到做愛就怎麼樣都推不倒(´;ω;`)


Wohooo! This comes out superb! A wonderful character setting and if this is at least a few percent really you, then I really would love to meet you one day :) This person is lovable and Mutoh has my full admiration that he took you and I hope never gives away again. Even that now I start to get all the connections between your series.. this is all so wonderful and brightens my Sunday so much! Thanks for another great work! A bit I envy you to have such great friends as Mutoh and Orbi.. but well, when I was younger I had such friends, too.. Feel hugged to know you are "loved" :)


設定放鬆和興奮狀態的長度(cm)、直徑/周長(cm)、硬度(Pa)、形狀是常識吧(? 不想動腦筋設定的話直接公開你和武藤的真實數字也可以 ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )👌


Thanks Shinji! Some parts of the settings are definitely inspired by real life people, but I won't reveal for the sake of imagination fun (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ I'm definitely super lucky to have Mutoh in my life! Unfortunately, Orbi and Duty Boy are both purely fictional, else I'd be eager to know them too ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ


硬度還要用特別的單位嗎www 那精液的viscosity是不是也要上繳了(?


Mutoh holding the arm behind the back is hot 🥵. Like the colouring on this, really like the shade of blue on the hair. I would definitely buy the hoodie in the OG outfit, that's something I'd wear haha. As this is "inspired" by you, how tempting is it to enhance yourself in the drawing? If it was me I don't think I'd be able to resist making my character incredibly hung 😂😅


Fun fact, I actually custom ordered a hoodie in the OG outfit (as well as a sleeveless one). I wore the jacket when I met Draugnut XDD Though, it's not something I wear very often given how the material isn't as comfy as it looks. I definitely "enhanced" myself a ton in the drawing, there's no way I look this good irl (ノᐛ )ノ ミ ┻━┻


對——請用SI unit量度,正太創作必須要科學、客觀、和嚴謹的🧐 viscosity(Pa·s)、opacity……你想得出的都通通給我們上繳便是 ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)


Your boys are more than fictional for me ;) and Mutoh has had a lot of luck finding you.. if only i would be younger again *dreams*


I bet there is no enhancement necessary for you.. hehe.. but firefox is right: I would have loved to have such clothes in that age… and still today of course..


這根本就已經是另類的性癖了吧,應該沒人會邊尻邊說「啊嘶,想摸他硬硬的1.02血壓的雞雞,射出來的東西viscosity居然有 10.34cSt,我看你是很喜歡哦,有夠騷欸」(?


I have a lot of luck finding Mutoh too! You know, even at my age I'm already hoping to be younger again ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ


You're too kind, Shinji, there are too many things I hope to change about myself in real life ( ‘-ωก̀ ) Maybe one day if I get popular enough, some cloth manufacturer would turn it into a reality :3c




Well, you earn compliments.. if only just a small portion of you is like all these works and your comments I am more than proud to be a friend... and believe me: wishing life to change will never end. There always can be improvement. But the question is: Are you always brave enough to follow and live with the consequences... ^;..;^


We do all in this forum methinks.. At least for me I would love to never have left boyhood...


No matter the consequences or sacrifices, there's no turning back to shota tho (´ . .̫ . `)

