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Reminder: If you find any passwords that don't work, please DM me so I can fix them ASAP.
Published: 2022-06
My apologies for the lack of communication, and how long this took.
I've progress migrating all content to a system that allows quicker control in the event of leaks.
All content back up to June 2019 has been restored, with links now collected in the post titled 'Download Links' on my pixivFANBOX page. That post will be updated periodically to remain at the top of my page, and to reflect changes to links & passwords.

I'll be doing May 2019 and a large chunk of the 'April 2019 + Prior' folder tomorrow.
These have to be repackaged individually, so it may take until the end of September to have all (or most) of it migrated.

If you spot any passwords that don't work, or any folders / archives incorrectly labelled, please DM me.
As always - when downloading packs, be sure to use the latest version of WinRAR / WinZip, and to copy & paste passwords exactly.
I don't know what to use for Mac, but for Linux, I've heard 'Ark' works.

Thank you all so very much for your continued support.
Published: 2021-09