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Ethan's genitals were removed in their entirety as a toy for the killer, and the 22 years old man's reproductive functions were completely lost.



Victim No. 64, 22 years old 第64号受害者,22岁 Ethan was targeted and abducted by a serial killer. The killer stripped Ethan naked and tied him to a torture chair. Seeing the many knife marks and nail holes left in the seat, Ethan realized what was going to happen to him and resisted. In an attem...

The serial killer said, “Hey. Tell me how it feels to have your genitals taken away by another man! If you answer, I can spare your life.” Ethan tried desperately to say something and muttered in a muffled voice, “I wanna kill you...” The killer gave a satisfied smile and said. “Stupid. Did you think the answer really make me spare your life? Okay. I'm going to butcher you in the most brutal way. Haha.”

连环杀手说:"嘿,告诉我你的生殖器被另一个男人夺走是什么感觉?如果你回答,我可以饶你一命。" 伊森拼命想说些什么,用低沉的声音嘟囔道:"我想杀了你......" 杀手露出了满意的笑容,说道。"蠢货。你以为这个答案真的能让我饶你一命吗? 好吧,我要用最残酷的方式来屠戮你。哈哈。"

The killer cut Ethan's arms off and enjoyed watching his expression. Ethan screamed and closed his eyes in fear, but the killer beat him and told him to look hard at the cut. Ethan's legs were first cut off at the ankles, then the thighs. This young man’s body fell apart like a puzzle. “Your tanned limbs are art pieces. Your beauty is now enhanced by being pieces of meat,” the killer said, patting Ethan's thigh, which had been detached from his torso and was now useless.

杀手砍掉了伊森的手臂,并喜欢看他的表情。伊森尖叫着,害怕地闭上了眼睛,但杀手打了他,让他用力看一下切口。伊森的腿先是从脚踝处被砍掉,然后是大腿。这个年轻人的身体像拼图一样散开了。"你晒黑的四肢是艺术品。你的美现在因成为一块肉而得到加强。" 杀手拍着伊森的大腿说,他的大腿已经脱离了躯干,现在毫无用处。

Ethan's lips were quivering with extreme fear as the knife was placed against his belly. Ethan's abs were straightly cut, pushed apart from side to side, and secured roughly with staples. The intestines and the stomach were then pulled out and thrown into a bucket in front of the torture chair. The killer teased Ethan, “You've never seen your own guts, have you? Look, you're so beautiful inside the body as well.” Ethan begged to stop but could only watch in despair as his body was treated like garbage.

当刀子顶着他的腹部时,伊森的嘴唇因极度恐惧而颤抖。伊森的腹肌被直截了当地切开,用钉子粗暴地固定。然后,肠子和胃被拉出来,扔进了刑椅前的一个桶里。杀手取笑伊森:"你从未见过自己的内脏,是吗?看,你的身体里也是如此美丽。" 伊森乞求停止,但只能绝望地看着自己的身体被当作垃圾处理。

Next the killer mercilessly shaved Ethan's pecs off and threw them into the bucket. Ethan has no energy enough to resist but he moaned. The killer said, “Shut up, stupid. I’ll let you suck my cock. You must envy me,” shoved his cock into Ethan's mouth. Ethan cried tears at the humiliation of being forced to suck the manhood of the man who had taken his genitals away. The killer was so aroused by the look that he ejaculated profusely. The killer's semen spilled down Ethan's throat and into his empty abdominal cavity.

接下来,杀手毫不留情地把伊森的胸肌剃掉,扔进桶里。伊森没有足够的精力去抵抗,但他呻吟着。凶手说:"闭嘴吧,笨蛋。我让你吸我的鸡巴。你一定很羡慕我。” 把他的鸡巴塞进伊森的嘴里。伊森因为被迫吸吮那个夺走他生殖器的人的阳具而感到羞辱而哭了起来。凶手被这一幕激起了兴趣,他大量射精。凶手的精液顺着伊森的喉咙溢出,进入他空虚的腹腔。


Ethan 3

Ethan's cut opened abdominal muscles were twitching as if trying to throw up. The killer laughed, saying, “You don't even have a stomach anymore, you must have nothing to vomit?” 伊森被切开的腹部肌肉在抽搐,似乎想呕吐。杀手笑着说:"你连肚子都没有了,一定没有东西可吐了吧?" The killer took Ethan's...




That view of the cum splatter inside his empty belly is perfection! So hot!



