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Victim No. 64, 22 years old


Ethan was targeted and abducted by a serial killer. The killer stripped Ethan naked and tied him to a torture chair. Seeing the many knife marks and nail holes left in the seat, Ethan realized what was going to happen to him and resisted. In an attempt to quiet him down, the killer drove iron stakes into Ethan's shoulders and secured his torso.


Ethan was drugged and got a boner. The killer looked intently at Ethan's naked body and said. “You’re just a toy for butchering. You will end your life here. I’m going to take your gems apart first.”

伊森被下了药,勃起了。杀手仔细地看着伊森的裸体,说 "你只是一个供人宰割的玩具。你将在这里结束你的生命。我要先把你的宝石拆开"

Ethan screamed as the killer put the knife on Ethan's genitals. As the killer roughly cut away Ethan's scrotum, the bare white testicles fell out and rolled between the thighs. “No no no no no!” Ethan panicked. After injecting an anesthetic and hemostatic agent into Ethan's groin, the killer inserted a knife into the base of Ethan's cock and carefully probed inside. He then pulled away the internal tissues of the cock and the prostate.


As the killer grabbed Ethan's hard cock and pulled, the internal tissues of Ethan's cock and prostate were pulled out together. “Hey, don't you wanna cum once before you lose the cock?” The killer grinned and rubbed his fingers over Ethan's bare prostate. Ethan was begging to stop the cutting, but the killer ignored and injected the aphrodisiac that made Ethan horny. Then his almost detached cock pulsed and shot semen vigorously. Ethan tasted his last ejaculation.

当杀手抓住伊森坚硬的阴茎拉动时,伊森的阴茎和前列腺的内部组织被一起拉出。 "嘿,你不想在失去鸡巴之前射一次吗?" 杀手咧嘴一笑,用手指在伊森裸露的前列腺上摩擦。伊森在乞求停止切割,但杀手没有理会,而是注射了让伊森感到兴奋的春药。然后,伊森几乎被切断的阴茎抽动,大力射出精液。伊森尝到了他最后一次射精的滋味。

The killer made a necklace out of Ethan's cock and testicles, which he had just cut off. And he put it around Ethan's neck. “Hey, that necklace looks great on you! Haha.” The killer laughed. The internal tissues of Ethan's prostate and penis were severed and plated on a dish like meat. Ethan's chopped genitals were dripping with semen that had remained in his body. Ethan was sobbing in despair.

杀手用伊森的鸡巴和睾丸做了一条项链,这是他刚刚切下来的。并把它挂在伊森的脖子上。 "嘿,这条项链戴在你身上很好看!哈哈" 杀手大笑起来。伊森的前列腺和阴茎的内部组织被切断,像肉一样被装在盘子里。伊森被砍断的生殖器上滴着残留在他体内的精液。伊森绝望地抽泣着。


Ethan 2

Ethan's genitals were removed in their entirety as a toy for the killer, and the 22 years old man's reproductive functions were completely lost. 伊森的生殖器被整个切除,作为杀手的玩具,这个22岁的男人的生殖功能完全丧失。 The serial killer said, “Hey. Tell me how it feels to have your genitals take...



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