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デートの夜は決まってどちらかの家に行く。 今日はデートの場所から比較的近いダイの家にきたヒロ。先に風呂を上がったダイは自分のベッドでスマホを見ながら寛ぐ。やがてそこに風呂あがりのヒロが頭をタオルでゴシゴシと拭きながら部屋にやってきた。 「なんか久しぶりにおまえんチに来たって感じだなあ。」 「はは・・・ちょっと期間空いちゃったよねぇ。」 「お互いここんとこ忙しかったからなあ~」 それぞれの都合でスケジュールが合わず、なかなかこれなかったダイの部屋を見てヒロがつぶやく。 風呂上りにアイスを食べながら映画を見るという話しだったのだがダイはスマホに夢中でなかなか動こうとしない。 「おーいダイ君。アイスは食わないのかい?」 「ん、ちょっと待って・・・チェックしときたいものが・・・」 ヒロはベッドの端に腰かけ、まだ少し濡れている髪の毛を拭く。 特にやることがないのでなんとなくダイを見るが、どうしても無防備なムチムチのデカいケツに目が行く。 「・・・・・・・。」 ヒロは何も言わずにそのケツに手を伸ばして撫で始める。 「ごめん、もちょいで終わるからね~」 相変わらず画面から目を離さないダイを見てヒロはニヤリと笑うと、ダイの股間に手を滑り込ませる。 一瞬ビクっとするダイ。それでも引き続きスマホでなにか文字を打っているのを見るとヒロは続けて股間の肉の塊を揉みしだきはじめた。 「も~ヒロ、ちょっと待ってってば・・・。」 ヒロはその言葉に意を介さず、少しずつパンツを引き下げるとダイのケツの谷間をゆっくりと舐め始めた。 「ヒッ・・・」 さすがにビックリしたダイはスマホの入力の手が止まる。 「へへ・・・ここはどんどん大きくなってもっとやってくれって言ってるぜ」 触られて勃起しかけていたダイのチンポは、ケツを舐められた事で一気に最大まで膨張する。 「ちょっ・・・ヒロ・・・」 そのままスルスルとダイのパンツを脱がしてしまうヒロ。露出したぶっといダイのチンポを手前に向けるとなぞるように舌の腹部分を使って舐め始める。 「あう!・・・ううう・・・」 もはや画面を見れないダイ。ヒロの舌先がたっぷりの唾液と共に亀頭や裏筋を舐め上げる度、体全体でビクビクと反応する。感じてるのが嬉しくなったヒロは左手全体でチンポをしごきつつ、ダイの感じる部分を執拗に舐りあげた。 「おまえがそんな恰好でいるから悪いんだからな」 ヒロもパンツを脱ぎ、ダイの体に覆いかぶさるように上に乗るとギンギンになったチンポをダイのケツに押し当てる。 「もう・・・ヒロ・・・アイス食べるんじゃ・・・」 「食べるよ。おまえと気持ちよくなってからな。」 我慢できなくなったヒロは焦らすことは一切せず唾液まみれのダイのケツにズブズブとチンポを挿入していく。 「あっあっ・・・ああ~!!」 ピストン運動の度に我慢汁が吹き出る唾液まみれのチンポをヒクヒクとさせながら、ダイは思わず声を出してしまう。 「うおおお・・・久しぶりのセックス・・・・ダイの中気持ちいい・・・」 ゆっくりと奥深くまでチンポ全体をダイの中に埋めると、またゆっくりとギリギリまで引き抜く。 しばらくそれを繰り返していたが、次第に激しくピストンしはじめるヒロ。 「ヒロっ・・・・激しっ・・・あううう」 「いいトコ当たってるか?もっと深くかき混ぜてやるよ」 部屋に響くグチュグチュと卑猥な肉の音と互いの快感の呻き声、そしてベッドが軋む音。 ゆっくりと楽しみたいという気持ちはあるものの、久しぶりの強烈な快感にヒロは腰が止まらない。 出し入れされるぬるぬるに光るヒロのチンポは早くも絶頂を迎え、膨張し、ザーメンがこみ上げる。 「ぐぅっ・・くそっ・・・気持ちよすぎる・・・!!ダイ・・・射精すぞ・・・!!」 「僕も・・もう無理・・・イク・・・イクぅ・・!!」 ヒロとダイはほぼ同時に体を震わせ、大量に射精する。ダイのケツから漏れたヒロのザーメンはダイのキンタマとチンポを覆うように垂れ流れ、ダイはその大量のザーメンでシーツに卑猥な白濁汁の模様を描く。 しばらく射精は止まらず、そのままの恰好で何度も精を吐き出す二人。 ようやく射精が止まるとヒロはダイの上になだれるように覆いかぶさった。 「も・・・もう・・ヒロってば・・・」 「ハァハァ・・・ワリィ・・・・もっかい風呂行くか?」 「うん。でもスマホ入力途中だったからそれだけやっていい?w」 「・・・・ダ~イ~・・・このまま二発目やってやる」 ドロドロになったケツの中のチンポは萎える事なく、再びピストンを始める。 「ギャ~ごめんなさいごめんなさい・・・・あっ・・あっ・・・!!」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ラブラブな二人はまた別の話で使いたいですwちなみに 二人ともウェイトリフティング部なのでダイはデブ気味だけど筋肉隆々だったりします。 On a date night, we always go to one of our houses. Today, Hiro came to Dai's house, which is relatively close to the date. Dai took a bath first and relaxed on his bed while looking at his smartphone. Eventually, Hiro came into the room after taking a bath and was scrubbing his head with a towel. "It's been a while since I came to your house." "Haha...I've been away for a while." "We've both been busy lately." Hiro muttered as he looked at Dai's room, which he couldn't get into due to their own schedules. They were talking about watching a movie while eating ice cream after taking a bath, but Dai was so absorbed in his smartphone that he didn't want to move. "Hey Dai. Don't you want to eat ice cream?" "Hmm, wait a minute...I want to check something..." Hiro sat down on the edge of the bed and wiped his still slightly wet hair. Since he has nothing in particular to do, he casually looks at Dai, but his eyes fall on Dai's defenseless big ass. "......" Without saying anything, Hiro reaches for his ass and starts stroking it. "Sorry, it'll be over soon." Seeing Dai, who was still keeping his eyes on the screen, Hiro grinned and slipped his hand between Dai's crotch. Dai freaks out for a moment. However, when Hiro saw him still typing something on his phone, he continued to rub his crotch. "Hiro, just wait a minute..." Hiro didn't pay attention to those words, and gradually pulled down his underwear and began to slowly lick the valley between Dai's ass. "Aww..." Dai was so surprised that he stopped typing on his smartphone. "Hehe...this place is getting bigger and bigger and they want me to do more." Dai's cock, which was on the verge of becoming erect when he was touched, suddenly expands to its maximum size as he licks his ass. "Hey...Hiro..." Hiro smoothly takes off Dai's underwear. He turns his exposed cock towards him and starts licking it with the pad of his tongue. "Ah!...Uuuu..." Dai can no longer look at the screen. Every time the tip of Hiro's tongue licks the glans and back muscles with plenty of saliva, his entire body reacts twitchingly. Hiro was happy that he was feeling it, and while squeezing his cock with his entire left hand, he relentlessly licked the area where Dai could feel it. "It's bad that you're dressed like that." Hiro also takes off his underwear and climbs on top of Dai's body, pressing his stiff cock against Dai's ass. "...Hiro...you should eat ice cream..." "I'll eat. After I get comfortable with you." Hiro can't hold back any longer and inserts his cock deep into Dai's saliva-covered ass without bothering him at all. "Aaah...ahhh!!" Dai lets out a sound as his saliva-covered cock twitches as precum gushes out with each piston movement. "Wow...it's been a long time since I've had sex...it feels so good inside..." He slowly buries his entire cock deep inside him, then slowly pulls out again. Hiro repeats this for a while, but gradually begins to piston harder. "Hiro...it's so intense...ahhh" "Are you hitting the right spot? I'll stir it deeper." The room echoed with obscene sounds, each other's moans of pleasure, and the sound of the bed creaking. Although he wanted to enjoy it slowly, Hiro couldn't stop his hips from the intense pleasure he hadn't felt in a while. Hiro's slimy, glistening cock is already reaching its climax as it is being pumped in and out, expanding and filling with semen. "Aaaah...damn...it feels so good...!! I'm going to cum...!!" "Me too...I can't do it anymore...I'm cumming...I'm cumming...!!" Hiro and Dai shake their bodies almost simultaneously and ejaculate in large quantities. Hiro's semen leaked from Dai's ass and dribbled down covering Dai's balls and cock, and Dai drew an obscene pattern of juice on the sheets with the large amount of semen. The ejaculation doesn't stop for a while, and the two of them spit out their semen over and over again. When Hiro finally stopped ejaculating, he covered himself over Dai. "Hmm... Hiro..." "Huh...sorry...do you want to take a bath again?" “Yeah, but I was in the middle of typing on my smartphone, so can I just do that?” "...Da~i~...keep going like this and I'll give you a second shot." The cock inside his ass, which has become muddy, does not wither and starts pistoning again. "No~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry...Ah...Ah...!!"




I love the pose ,thanks for the great job



