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学園で番長呼ばわりされている巨漢バンジとその子分と呼ばれてるロウとショウ。今日は新作のゲームを買ったので遊びに来てとロウからの誘いでショウとバンジはロウの部屋に集合した。 元々ゲームに疎いバンジはあまり気が進まなかったが、夕飯をごちそうしてもらえるというロウのエサにまんまとかかってしまったワケである。 「で?どんなのが買ったやつなんだよ。」 晩飯が出るということで来たものの、あまり興味のないゲームを蔑ろにするわけにもいかないバンジは今日はちゃんと付き合うつもりらしい。 「じゃーん、これだよ!ずっと楽しみにしてたんだ!」 ロウが手にしてるのは世間で人気シリーズのレースゲーム。難しいものより直感でプレイできるのでゲームに苦手なバンジも大丈夫だろうとの考えだ。 「レースゲームかぁ、いいじゃねぇか。ショウとロウでやってみろよ」 「えええ・・・ボクも別にゲームが得意というわけじゃないんだけど・・・」 眼鏡をかけている方がショウ。いかにも勤勉なタイプで彼もゲームはあまりやらないらしい。 「ふーん・・・まあまずはショウをコテンパンにしてみようか」 「おまえの方がゲームうまいから当然だろ!」 「ん、俺もレースゲームは今日初めてだよ?話題になってるから買ってみただけ。」 本当はバンジを部屋に誘う口実ではあるのだが。 「くっそ~、もう一回!!」 意外と負けず嫌いのショウは何度かロウに勝負を挑んだが、やはり反射神経のいいロウには今一歩及ばずだった。 「ハッハッハ!まだまだですなぁ~」 「く・・・今度こっそり練習しといてやる・・・」 二人の勝負を見て益々ゲームに苦手なイメージがついてくるバンジ。 「アニキ、一緒にやる?ハンデもつけるから楽しくやろうよ!」 「お・・おう・・」 「僕の時はハンデつけなかったクセに・・・」 ハンデの設定などいじってるロウを尻目に不貞腐れたショウはバンジが腰かけているベッドに寝そべる。バンジは少し緊張しながらコントローラーを握り、自分の車を選びだす。 「じゃあいくよ~アニキ」 レースが始まり、画面に集中する二人。ショウはバンジの太ももにもたれかかるようにゲームを観戦するが、そのクッションのよさにバンジの太ももを撫ではじめる。 程なくして、いつものクセのようなものでショウの右手はそのままバンジの股間のふくらみをパンツの上から撫で始めるが、バンジはゲームに集中していてそれどころではない。 「くっ・・・思ったように曲がらねぇ・・・こ・・このコーナーキツイ・・!!」 「ふふっ・・マップを見てあらかじめ曲がるんだよアニキ」 モニタからの派手なブレーキ音などと共に小刻みに体が動くバンジの股間はショウに揉みしだかれ次第にその大きさを増していく。 ショウはナチュラルにバンジの股間を触っていたことに気づくと同時にちょっと嬉しくなり、こっそり触っていた手を引っ込めて隠れて自分の掌を舐め回す。 唾液でドロドロになった手を今度はパンツの裾からゆっくりと突っ込むショウ。半勃起になってるバンジのチンポを生で捉えると唾液を塗りたくりながらチンポを撫でまわす。 「んっ・・・」 ビクッと小さなリアクションを取ったもののバンジはレースに必死だ。ロウも時々ミスをしながらもバンジとゲームできてることを楽しんでいるようだ。 パンツの中の肉棒は更に硬さを増し、バンジの息も少し荒くなってくる。 窮屈になってきたパンツの裾からゆっくりチンポを取り出すショウ。 極太チンポは我慢汁を垂れ流しながら、グングンと完全勃起に向けて大きくなっていく。 完全にエロスイッチの入ったショウは真横にあるバンジの豊満なお腹のシャツを左手でめくりあげる。 お腹が少しスースーするはずなのだがバンジは普段やられ慣れているせいか特に反応はない。 我慢汁がチンポを伝ってタマまで落ちるほど立派に勃起した時、バンジはようやく露になった自分の卑猥なイチモツに気が付いた。 「おわぁっ!!し、ショウおまえまた弄ってたのか!どうりでなんか気持ちいいと・・・」 突然顔の真横に現れたエロスの権化にロウも驚愕の声をあげる。 「げっ・・・なになに!?アニキの・・・ショウおまえ・・!!」 「へへへ・・・こっちはこっちで楽しんでるんでロウはレースゲームに集中しなよ。終わるまでこっち見ちゃダメだよ~」 「こ、こらショウ!今大事なとこなんだよ、ちょっとコツをつかみかけてきたんだからや・・・やめ・・」 「そうなの?アニキ意外とセンスあったりして・・・いいよアニキはそっちに集中して、僕もゆっくり遊ぶから」 ロウもハンデ設定があるせいかギリギリで勝っている状態。なんとも目が離せない状態でゲームは続けられている。 「お・・俺も・・・アニキの・・・」 「うおっ!!」 ビクッとするバンジ。ショウはいよいよ本格的にチンポを扱きだし、そこに負けじと画面から目を離さずにロウがキンタマを舐め始めた。 「く・・・ここのコーナーをもう少し綺麗に曲がれた・・ら・・・うっ・・うっ・・」 ショウは更に扱きながらチンポを舐め始める。ロウもキンタマを上下に動かしながら舐めたり吸ったりしている。 「ああああ・・・もう・・もうゴール・・・あとちょっとでロウを抜かせる・・のに・・ぐうぅぅっ!!ぐぅぅっ!!」 突然大きく痙攣したバンジは大量に射精する。座っているベッドがギシギシと音を鳴らし、吐き出したザーメンはショウの顔や床を白く染めていく。その見事な吹き出し様に目を奪われてしまったロウは最後の最後でミスをしてコースを外れ、そこにバンジの車が先にゴールした。 「ハァハァ・・・お・・俺の勝ち・・・」 「えええ・・・そんなぁ・・・でもまあいいもの見れたからいっか・・」 射精時の表情からようやく少しニヤリとしたバンジは床の惨状を見て再び顔を曇らせた。 「いっぱい出たねアニキ。ゲームしながら気持ちよくなる感覚はどう?」 「俺の部屋・・・・どうでもいいけどこれ掃除するのショウな。」 「げ・・・」 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- バンジはいつもこうナチュラルにエロい事されてほしいキャラ。 時間足りなくてちょっと雑になってる部分があってごめんなさいw Banji, a giant man who is called the headmaster at the school, and Law and Shou, who are called his henchmen. Today, Sho and Banji gathered in Law's room at Law's invitation to come and play since he bought a new game. Originally Banji, who was not familiar with games, was reluctant to do so, but he ended up falling for Law's offer to treat him to dinner. "So? What kind of thing did you buy?" Although he came because he was going to have dinner, Banji couldn't afford to neglect a game he wasn't really interested in, so it seems like he's planning on hanging out with him today. "Well, this is it! I've been looking forward to it for a long time!" What Law is holding in his hands is a racing game from a popular series. The idea is that players who are not good at games will be fine with Banji, as it can be played more intuitively than difficult games. "A racing game, sounds good. Try it with Shou and Law." "Eh...I'm not particularly good at games either..." The one wearing glasses is Shou. He seems to be a hardworking type and doesn't play games much. "Hmm...well, first of all, let's beat Shou to perfection." "Of course you're better at the game than me!" "Hmm, it's my first time playing a racing game today too, right? I just bought it because it's been talked about a lot." Actually, it was just an excuse to invite Banji to his room. “Damn it, try again!!” Sho, who is surprisingly competitive, challenged Law several times to a match, but he still couldn't match Law's good reflexes. "Hahaha! There's still a long way to go." "Next time, I'll practice secretly..." After watching the two of them compete, Banji gets the impression that he is not good at games. "Bro, do you want to do it together? I'll give you a handicap, so let's have fun!" "Oh...yes..." "You didn't handicap me when I was..." Shou, who is unfaithful, lies down on the bed where Banji is sitting, watching as Law is fiddling with the handicap settings. Banji is a little nervous as he grabs the controller and selects his car. “Then let’s go~ Bro.” The race begins and the two of them concentrate on the screen. Shou watches the game while leaning against Banji's thighs, and begins to caress Banji's thighs because of how good the cushion is. After a while, Shou's right hand started stroking the bulge in Banji's crotch over his pants, but Banji was so focused on the game that he didn't care. "Damn... it doesn't turn like I expected... this corner is so tight...!!" "Hehe...look at the map and turn beforehand, bro." Banji's crotch, which was moving little by little along with loud brake sounds coming from the monitor, gradually increased in size as Shou began to rub it. Shou naturally becomes a little happy when he realizes that he was touching Banji's crotch, and secretly withdraws his hand and licks his own palm. This time, Shou slowly thrusts his hand, which is covered in saliva, through the hem of his pants. When he catches Banji's semi-erect cock raw, he strokes it while coating it with saliva. "Ug..." Although he got a small reaction, Banji was desperate for the race. Law also seems to be enjoying playing games with Banji, even though he sometimes makes mistakes. The cock in his pants becomes even harder, and Banji's breathing becomes a little rough. Shou slowly takes out his cock from the hem of his pants, which have become tight. The extremely thick cock continues to grow as it drips out precum and becomes fully erect. Shou, who has completely turned on his erotic switch, lifts up the shirt of Banji, who is standing right next to him, with his plump belly, with his left hand. His stomach should be feeling a little cool, but Banji doesn't really react, probably because he's used to being played with pranks on a regular basis. When it became erect enough that the precum ran down his cock and down to his balls, Banji finally noticed his obscene cock being exposed. "Wow!! Shou, you were playing with my cock again! I thought it felt good..." Law also let out a voice of surprise as the embodiment of Eros suddenly appeared right next to his face. "Gah... what?! Bro's cock... Hey, Shou...!!" "Hehehe...we're having fun here, so Law should concentrate on the racing game. Don't look at us until it's over." "Shou! This is important right now. I'm just getting the hang of it...stop..." "Is that so? Bro, maybe you have a surprising sense for games... It's okay, Bro, concentrate on that and I'll play slowly too." Law was also barely winning, probably because of the handicap settings. The game continues with both of them keeping an eye on each other. "Oh... I too... I want Bro's cock..." "Wow!!" Banji is shocked. Shou finally started to jerk off his cock in earnest, and Law, not taking his eyes off the screen, started licking his balls. "Uh... if only I could turn this corner a little more beautifully... Ugh... Ugh..." Shou starts to lick the cock while jerking it further. Law is also licking and sucking while moving his balls up and down. "Aaah...already...already reaching the goal...I'm about to let Law pass...but...guuuu!! Argh!!" Banji suddenly convulses and ejaculates in large quantities. The bed he was sitting on made a creaking sound, and the semen he spat out dyed Shou's face and the floor white. Law was so caught up in the scene that he made a mistake at the last minute and went off course, allowing Banji's car to cross the finish line first. "Sigh...I won..." "Eh...I see...but I guess I saw something nice..." Bunji finally grinned a little from the look on his face when he ejaculated, and his face darkened again when he saw the devastation on the floor. "That's a lot, bro. How does it feel to feel good while playing games?" "My room...I don't care, but you should clean this." "oh···"




Oh My did he just wear that short? Look like he doesnt wear any kind of underwear ~ Good job as always i wonder what would be the next pic




Since he is inside the room, he is wearing only a T-shirt and pants. I'm sure we'll hear about them again in the not-too-distant future.

