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a lot of people are not happy about what happened desu.

I will explain the situation a bit desu.

Please read and try to understand our problems a bit ne.

our government thinks that they use the common law desu.

they think that they can gather more tax from Paypal

from Freelancer in their country desu.

but they wrong desu.

Paypal law did NOT go along with the law in my country desu.

and the victim of their experiment is the freelancers like me desu.

Paypal said 3 months ago

[everyone needs to go complete the commercial registration

before 18 Feb 2022] desu.

and I complete the commercial registration just in time desu.

today Paypal said

[commercial registration is not enough, you have to go register for Juristic Persons before 7/03/2022] desu.

and what happens at Fanbox is

I try to become the Juristic person desu.


is anyone in here think that these 14 cups of Ko-fi are enough to run the company?

that is why it is also my fault to believe that 400 people going to join desu.

in the reality,

60% only come for the service 30% failed at communicating

only 10% that ready to jump when I say jump desu.

what we see here is the outcome desu.

but only people who have already joined Ko-fi and the plan below will be considered the MVP desu.

I set it to pre-order 50-100$ for 500 yen plan desu.

because it is necessary to secure the project if anything worst happens desu.

after the end of this month, I will be at the highest risk of losing the chance for start the RPG project desu.

I will be back to work soon desu.

News update already move to https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/27833515

and https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/60992715


join the new plan fight for me, that all I need for the support this time desu.

I know that there are still have 3-5% left that not making a move yet,

I suggest you move now to gain my trust desu.

and about the 500 yen support, I am a bit disappointed desu.

people who only come for little service can stay at Fanbox desu.

after the end of this month, you guys can stay at the 500 yen plan here desu.

to be honest,

I never treat you guys as a 500 yen supporter desu.

I always believed that you guys are people who are ready to fight for my agenda desu.

that is the credit and trust I have been giving to you guys desu.

IF the true 500 yen plan that you guys want to see so much then it can not be help desu.

I will make sure to show what the value of the 500 yen around here looks like desu.




do not worry ne, I have 200% motivation to move now desu. I plan to force everyone to join the new plan here desu. I refuse to accept that everyone is not going to fight for my agenda desu. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/silent_comic come desu. fight for me here and now desu. might be today or next month, but I suggest everyone to make a move to carry my agenda our RPG project desu.


I will work non-stop until I drag all of the supporters to go there desu.


If we failed everything will be returned to zero desu. I not going to say that I am having bad luck because I never depend on luck desu. I depend on people I am betting my agenda on people so please show me that I am right ne.


and please stop to compared me to the other artists or any creator out there desu. I am NOT people who do not need to fight for the place for work do NOT need to fight for allies do NOT need to fight to prove their worth desu. I am NOT the creator who just knows some good friends know some marketing and you will have everything desu. me and the people in my team fight as hard as we can to be here desu. and I hope everyone who supports me at least understand desu.


people who are born with everything will never understand what it's like to be powerless and never understand the value of the power desu. that is why no one but me can lead this project desu. If you guys want to change this Hentai world you need a sick crazy person like me desu.


at the Pixiv we will have a voting game next month desu. while waiting for everyone to join desu. that is why hurry up and pay here in order to join ne. we can not open the vote function at Fanbox but we can open it at Pixiv desu. with this, I also can properly add the democracy rules inside my system desu. and everyone will be able to request with a more fair system desu.


but this month we will test the first vote after Nemu-san work is complete desu.